Android Usb external hard drive, please help
Hi, i brought a justop android box to play xbmc. Now i did it specifically to be used with a local 2tb external hard drive. i do not want to stream (this is because i tend to travel a lot and want to take everything with me so having a streaming only service is fairly useless)

However ive got open xbmc and trying to set my movies however the only external support it has is for the SD card. Ive tried set a root file (usb/xbmc/movies) etc however it always just says it cant connect which seems to me that it is only looking for a network.

Now, has this just been built to completely ignore hard drives or is it as its still in beta. I know most androids are phones but set top boxs are becoming more and more common place

Just does anyone else have experience with this issue, any help would be incredibly appreciated

Browse to rootfilesystem? mnt/sda1
I've just installed XBMC RC2 Android on my ASUS Padfone 2 running JB 4.1.1 and plugged in a 32GB USB thumb drive via USB OTG cable and my files are located in:


Hope this helps?
Apple iMac 27" Mid 2010 Model (3.2 GHZ Intel i3 / 12 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 / ATi HD 5670) = running XBMC Frodo RC2
HiMedia Q5 Android TV Box/media streamer = running non-neon XBMC Frodo RC2
ASUS Padfone 2 (64GB with Padstation) = running XBMC Frodo RC2
All I can suggest is you add videos & browse to


If you can't see that, I don't have any idea what you can do. I have a Mygica 510B & my external usb drive is in the path I previously stated.
(2013-08-16, 20:27)Jonjay53 Wrote: undefined
Thumbs Up 
mhalfadl might have the answer for you in this post.

I did something similar:
  1. System -> File Manager -> Add Source
  2. Browse to Root File System -> /storage -> /external_storage -> /hdx
Nod Now I have hdx listed in the sources and could easily select it to add videos / music.

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