Anyone Know How To Get Cooking Channel or E! Network on XBMC?
Brand new to all of this, and tried searching on here but didn't find anything. Does anyone happen to know how to The Cooking Channel or E! on XMBC? Or if this is even possible currently?
I am looking for a way to stream the e! entertainment channel for my wife.

but i think it may be more of a question for the good folks at
(2013-01-02, 13:50)OhioTom Wrote: Brand new to all of this, and tried searching on here but didn't find anything. Does anyone happen to know how to The Cooking Channel or E! on XMBC? Or if this is even possible currently?

Post a link of live streaming cooking and il put it into an xml file for you
If I helped you please add to my reputation a positive note

School has started, This Means Lots Of Homework[/color]

No Sharing XML's Anymore Per Forum Rules
(2013-05-11, 03:21)crusader88 Wrote:
(2013-01-02, 13:50)OhioTom Wrote: Brand new to all of this, and tried searching on here but didn't find anything. Does anyone happen to know how to The Cooking Channel or E! on XMBC? Or if this is even possible currently?

Post a link of live streaming cooking and il put it into an xml file for you

This isn't cooking, but its my local news. Could you turn into a xml file?
(2013-05-16, 04:31)TJM1985 Wrote:
(2013-05-11, 03:21)crusader88 Wrote:
(2013-01-02, 13:50)OhioTom Wrote: Brand new to all of this, and tried searching on here but didn't find anything. Does anyone happen to know how to The Cooking Channel or E! on XMBC? Or if this is even possible currently?

Post a link of live streaming cooking and il put it into an xml file for you

This isn't cooking, but its my local news. Could you turn into a xml file?

Here you go

<title>Channel NAME HERE</title>
<link>rtmp:// playpath=mp4:7newslive swfUrl= live=true timeout=15
<thumbnail>CHANNEL LOGO</thumbnail>
If I helped you please add to my reputation a positive note

School has started, This Means Lots Of Homework[/color]

No Sharing XML's Anymore Per Forum Rules
(2013-05-16, 04:55)crusader88 Wrote:
(2013-05-16, 04:31)TJM1985 Wrote:
(2013-05-11, 03:21)crusader88 Wrote: Post a link of live streaming cooking and il put it into an xml file for you

This isn't cooking, but its my local news. Could you turn into a xml file?

Here you go

<title>Channel NAME HERE</title>
<link>rtmp:// playpath=mp4:7newslive swfUrl= live=true timeout=15
<thumbnail>CHANNEL LOGO</thumbnail>

Awesome! Thanks. Now I just need to figure out how to make a custom XML file for the LiveStreams add on.

Edit: I almost figured it out.

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