Is there a way to hide the taskbar when you play a videoHuh.

I have a galaxy note 10.1

Android 4.0

Thanks for a nice program Xbmc Team.
Check out some of the solutions here, like HideBar: Android_FAQ#navbar (wiki)
MXPlayer somehow works in full screen when playing video - maybe it would be possible to use their code, or give the option to use it as an external player?
(2013-01-06, 16:55)costi Wrote: MXPlayer somehow works in full screen when playing video - maybe it would be possible to use their code, or give the option to use it as an external player?

I doubt that MXPlayer is Open Source, could you ask the author for the code that does this.
(2013-01-06, 16:55)costi Wrote: MXPlayer somehow works in full screen when playing video - maybe it would be possible to use their code, or give the option to use it as an external player?

On tablets or on phones? I recall reading that the navbar is constantly on for tablets, but programs can hide it on phones sometimes. Then again, I could be totally wrong.
I wish I knew why this didn't work properly on XBMC. On all of my tablets MX Player, BS Player, Archos, and a few other media players hide the bar. Players like VLC and Dice don't IIRC. Even funnier still is that Coolreader and FBreader (both open source) are epub readers that I use on my tablets and they, too, support true full screen and hide the bar.

The curious part though is that on the players that don't go fullscreen they still dim (black bar with dots instead of navigation buttons) the bar whereas XBMC does not making me think that it's not calling 'view.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION' at all?

I tried out archos video player, and it gets rid of the navbar (nexus 7). Not a bad interface, but for some reason it doesn't pick up all the films from the online databases to name and show everything correctly.

Xbmc still wins because of this, but the navbar thing from the outside looking in, looks like a quick win to implement. My lack of knowledge on Android coding and how apps work though could mean I'm talking out of my nether regions.

Thanks for getting it this far anyway. Awesome skillz.
(2013-01-06, 19:21)Ned Scott Wrote:
(2013-01-06, 16:55)costi Wrote: MXPlayer somehow works in full screen when playing video - maybe it would be possible to use their code, or give the option to use it as an external player?

On tablets or on phones? I recall reading that the navbar is constantly on for tablets, but programs can hide it on phones sometimes. Then again, I could be totally wrong.

On a tablet, Nexus 7 to be exact.

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