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[RELEASE] Movie Set Artwork Automator
(2022-02-27, 10:36)trentf Wrote: To be honest I'm not sure what is going on there. Very weird to see nothing after addon startup and then a crash

I use mariaDB and the mysql databases are on my NAS. Before, it has always working fine but... can this be a source of problem?
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KODI 19.3
(2022-03-01, 01:37)Levi59 Wrote:
(2022-02-27, 15:15)AlisAmber6Ff6 Wrote: The problem in Frodo however is it looks like the way images are loaded from the cache has changed. If the cached thumb doesn't match the source image, it isn't used. So when you first scan the movies into the database, artwork for the set will be assigned from one of the movies in the set. If that artwork is not updated.

I'm not on Frodo. I use the latests version of kodi (Matrix v19.3) and the addon. There is only a grey square for all the set in the skin, that's why i use the addon...
(2022-02-27, 15:17)AlisAmber6Ff6 Wrote: This link is for the Movie Set Information folder, specificially... https://kodi.wiki/view/Movie_set_information_folder which will guide you to setting up the folder.
You only need this if you are using local artwork.
Its pretty simple to set up. Just don't add the folder into one of your sources. Keep it separate.

WHY create another directory with the artwork? I have 6To of movies with "Set name/movie name/ movie" file tree and "poster-fanart" in each set directory and "poster-fanart-..." in each movie directory. It's the NORMAL way to organize files. I don't want to create another file tree with duplicates files that will pollute my NAS.

Plus i manage my files manually, i don't use scrapper or export options of kodi and i don't want to have to check all the time countless directories to be certain to have removed all the files when i delete movies...
(2022-02-27, 01:22)Karellen Wrote: <useddsfanart>true</useddsfanart> was removed in v17

Change both of the following to 9999 to avoid resizing images when cached.
Done thanks!

Tiny Media Manager will create the dir, rename and move them automatically. It is the way 90% of people store metadata for kodi
I just tried uninstalling my old MySQL setup and moving to MariaDB, still no issues running plugin. Sorry I can't replicate the issue you are seeing @Levi59
Can't detect the sets done by tinyMediaManager, any idea why ?!
(2022-04-22, 15:29)MohamedYousri Wrote: Can't detect the sets done by tinyMediaManager, any idea why ?!

Are the sets shown correctly in Kodi? This plugin doesn't read nfo files directly, it pulls all data from the Kodi API itself.
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[RELEASE] Movie Set Artwork Automator6
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