OS X Frodo RC3 crashes in every movie after a while
As the title stated. At first I though it be something with the movie file encoding. But now, every MPEG-4 movie I play loses sound and video starts to stutter badly, always after 40-50 min of playing. Controls and mouse become highly unresponsive, and I have to CMD+Q the application. It restarts the movie at the same time, starts to play fine, but then loses sound and stutters again after a few minutes.
Forcing software decoding doesn't help.

That's with a Macbook pro 8,3 model, with Radeon 6750 Graphics, running OSX 10.8.2., connected to a Full-HD Sony 52" LCD through a minidisplay-port to hdmi adapter, with both sound and video being outputted by this cable.

That doesn't happen with Eden nor with VLC.

Is this a known bug? Thanks.

46 minutes? Try searching for that.
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