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[MOD] Cirrus Extended - Support thread
Yes, Random Fanart isn't avaiable anymore in Frodo, due some changes in XBMC. Better you start using Artwork Organizer Plugin and set specific Backdrops via the Backgrounds Customizer.
(2013-06-03, 15:52)soxism Wrote:
  • The Option in Home Window: Enable Random Fanart Backdrops.
    Have you completely removed the code for this / reworked it, or can we just enable this feature?
    (As the Custom Random Fanart is the only option, id prefer if Cirrus could use all my Fan Art from Movies & Tv shows. Also the problem with only Custom Random Fanart option is if you have content spanning multiple hard drives)

  • Cirrus v3 now seems to dislike Season Fan Art.
    I have it labelled as required for Frodo, yet it doesnt seem to work in v3. Still works in v2 and other skins.

I have both things on my radar, but can't find the time lately. A lot of work around the house etc.
So if things cool down, the random fanart will be restored. And as butchabay said, things changed in frodo, so the code need to be changed accordingly.
As for the season fanart - please describe your problem closer, so I can be sure it's the problem I already know of.
(2013-06-04, 08:28)paradix Wrote:
(2013-06-03, 15:52)soxism Wrote: [*]Cirrus v3 now seems to dislike Season Fan Art.
I have it labelled as required for Frodo, yet it doesnt seem to work in v3. Still works in v2 and other skins.

I have both things on my radar, but can't find the time lately. A lot of work around the house etc.
So if things cool down, the random fanart will be restored. And as butchabay said, things changed in frodo, so the code need to be changed accordingly.
As for the season fanart - please describe your problem closer, so I can be sure it's the problem I already know of.

Thats all good Paradix.

The Season Fan Art. Problem. I'll see if i can explain it a bit better. (This feature was a major fav of mine with this Skin)
In Cirrus v2 if you had season fanart labelled to frodo standards (eg season[xx]-fanart.jpg) it would automatically use it as the background view.

since v3. this has stopped.

So for instance. The Season All is the current Background below


If i were to select season 1 > onwards the background would change.
In v3 it does not. Just stays the same background.

Ive modded v2 a little myself to work in Frodo. Using my edit of v2 this still works.. (along with the Random Fanart, but i suspect the script isnt working anymore as Butchbay said) :-) Thus i suspected some code has been removed / altered..
Id offer to help find the problem but my job see's me away from a PC every 2 weeks, so its hard to find the free time to do some coding Smile
(2013-06-04, 12:32)soxism Wrote: So for instance. The Season All is the current Background below


If i were to select season 1 > onwards the background would change.
In v3 it does not. Just stays the same background.

I have checked the problem and it doesn't seem to exist Smile Frodo changed the way fanarts are handled.
You need to set all fanarts for seasons manually -- see the AD post http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid...#pid935628
After you have done it, the skin can show the right fanart.
(2013-06-05, 08:46)paradix Wrote: I have checked the problem and it doesn't seem to exist Smile Frodo changed the way fanarts are handled.
You need to set all fanarts for seasons manually -- see the AD post http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid...#pid935628
After you have done it, the skin can show the right fanart.

Give me some time i'll look into this and do more testing this weekend / dive into a bit of the code.. As i said, it works in v2 of Cirrus but not v3.

I use an external scrapper for all my artwork & info, so this isnt a problem related to AD, but something that has changed in v3 & the way Frodo works.
Should also note ive been using Frodo for a while with out this problem and my own version of v2.

I'll get back to you paradix :-)
How can I install Cirrus Extended v3 on XBMC ?
How do I get this view? The current list view covers up the whole background and I want it to look like this with IMDB ratings? :

May have just gotten a hardon, I think I figured out how to get all my desires. To think it was all here but the screenshots weren't easily accessible so I just didn't look.

Edit: Nope. IMDB rating shows only when moused over the particular movie. Anyway to combine the IMDB rating view of LIST with the Right List view? I've been looking for a good view forever that shows a lot of the backdrop, but also a movies in a list with IMDB ratings as well. Only Aeon Nox's Low List View has this so far. Really has been frustrating I want options!

How to set up so beatifull pictures like - http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/8467...b6bc6g.jpg

I have only the list of films, but no pictures... ((
Oh wow...
You're behind bro if you got no pictures! No pictures that's like... wow... and I thought no IMDB ratings in the spot I wanted them was bad!

Step by Step:
1. Go to the Videos Section
2. Right click on what call "Movies"
3. A Screen should pop up that says "Play, Add To Favorites, Edit Source, etc." Click on "Edit Source"
4. A new screen should pop up showing the location of where your movies are, and some options such as Browse, Add, Ok, Cancel.
5. Click OK!
6. Now It should ask you to choose a Scraper. If this is Movies click "Universal Movie Scrapper"
7. Now click Settings, it's next to OK and Cancel!
8. From here, Click Fan Art
9. Enable Fan Art from themoviedb.org
10. Click Poster
11. Enable posters from themoviedb.org

That's it.

Alternatively, you may be in the wrong view. Make sure when you start XBMC up, you click MOVIES and not VIDEOS. If you click videos you'll get a file list. If you click movies, you should get a view with Fan Art.

Let me know if you need more help!

If anyone knows how to help me with my problem... please! haha.
Edit: Did you figure out how to install the skin as well? I know you just asked that in the previous post.
I'll take a look and tell you what you'll need to edit for having the imdb rating next to the title, but please stop posting your requests all over the forum, it's just that simple asking in the skin thread. You're using CE V3 so just ask here and wait for an answer.

Thx, but on step 3 there are not those options. I create video, look it pls - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvZB9IKuu...e=youtu.be

>Edit: Did you figure out how to install the skin as well? I know you just asked that in the previous post.
Yes, I done it Smile
(2013-06-09, 09:12)butchabay Wrote: @tential
I'll take a look and tell you what you'll need to edit for having the imdb rating next to the title, but please stop posting your requests all over the forum, it's just that simple asking in the skin thread. You're using CE V3 so just ask here and wait for an answer.

Thanks for the help.

And I don't think there is anything wrong with asking other skin developers if they would consider implementing such a feature. CEV3 isn't the only skin, no harm done in talking to other developers. Some people have multiple XBMC boxes such as myself, and use different skins on each of them. I asked developers of skins I currently use, as well as skins I wouldn't mind trying out/switching to. Many people do this in fact.

So thanks for the help, but I see no harm in talking to other skin developers.

You might have wanted to ask me though why I asked other developers instead of telling me not to ask other developers. Just a thought. Always helps to understand why people are doing what they are doing.

(2013-06-09, 09:35)sybot Wrote: tential

Thx, but on step 3 there are not those options. I create video, look it pls - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvZB9IKuu...e=youtu.be

>Edit: Did you figure out how to install the skin as well? I know you just asked that in the previous post.
Yes, I done it Smile

Ok so you have saved your movie to a place called "films". Right click DIRECTLY on the text. If you right click anywhere else, you will go backwards like in your youtube video. Alternatively, hit the letter "c" and it should do the same thing! Let me know if you need more help. No one should be left without images. Also final question, does your XBMC box have internet access? Some people's don't and you need internet access to download the images. Rare that you wouldn't hook the internet up, but some people actually don't lol.
Hi all,

Great skin!
However, i have an issue with pathsubstitution of favourites:

11:27:29 T:2909883200  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
11:27:29 T:2909883200   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.IOError'>
                                            Error Contents: (2, 'No such file or directory', u'/home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/favourites.xml')
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/script.favourites/default.py", line 169, in <module>
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/script.favourites/default.py", line 22, in __init__
                                                found, favourites = self._read_file()
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/script.favourites/default.py", line 46, in _read_file
                                                self.doc = parse( self.fav_file )
                                              File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xml/dom/minidom.py", line 1920, in parse
                                                return expatbuilder.parse(file)
                                              File "/usr/lib/python2.7/xml/dom/expatbuilder.py", line 922, in parse
                                                fp = open(file, 'rb')
                                            IOError: (2, 'No such file or directory', u'/home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/favourites.xml')
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--

this is in my advancedsettings.xml:


Cirrus seems to want to fine favourites in a local spot, however, my favorites are path substituted....

Any suggestions anyone?
Hey ! Someone knows how to use uttorent and web browser with XBMC ?
hey guys,
grat work!
but i still have some problems using the banner wall mode
it uses the posters instead of the bannder, but they are there
what am i doing wrong?
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