Navigation sound loops when starting an external player
Does Frodo 12.3 fix this issue?
Has this been fixed in XBMC 13 Gotham?

@famitsu1: No, 12.3 does not fix this issue.

Just to add a little hint:
I have added Adobe AcrobatReader for PDF files as an external player and this bug appears everytime I open a PDF file through XBMC.
(The files open correctly, though)

Maybe this helps locating the source of the problem, if it has not been solved yet,
It should be fixed in the XBMC 13 Gotham monthly alpha and the nightly development builds I believe.

If not then could someone update that trac ticket including a debug log for the latest available XBMC 13 Gotham nightly build, include also detail on how the external player is launched and attach a screenshot of your audio settings.
As this been fixed by the release of Gotham now?
Some one should try it.
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Navigation sound loops when starting an external player1
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