Procedure - Installing raspbmc in Windows
The following procedure contains detailed information on how to install raspBMC in Windows:

* Assure to have internet access through out the whole process
* Insert a "Type 10" SDHD card in the SD reader/Writer of 4GB or more
* Download ""
* Double clicked the "" file and extracted the files
* Double clicked the "setup.exe" file extracted on the previous step
* A program window titled "Raspbmc Installer" will pop up
* On the newly poped up window, select the following:
- The drive leter representing the SD card intended for the Raspberry Pi OS
- The "I accept the licence agreement" option
* Then on the "Raspbmc Installer" window, click on the "Install" button to continue
* After a few minutes the program will state that the SD card is ready
* Close the "Raspbmc Installer" window
* Eject/remove the SD card from the computer
* Insert the programmed SD card into the Raspberry Pi board
* Using an Ethernet cable connect the Raspberry Pi board to a router to gain internet access
* Using a HDMI cable connect the Raspberry Pi board to a monitor or TV
* Power up the monitor/TV
* Power up the Raspberry Pi board and follow the on screen instructions
* After ~30 minutes or so, the SD card will be completely programed and the board will restart
* The OS will be displayed on the monitor/TV and with a mouse or Kboard settings can be modified

I am interested on getting a detailed guide (as above) on how to install the raspBMC OS in windows OFFLINE (when OS image has been previously downloaded).
Also, I am interested on a detailed guide on how to install VLC media player in raspBMC OS.
Finally, I am interested on a detailed guide on how to enable VLC to auto-launch when I double click on a CD ISO image
X... it's XBMC, not BMC. You can find offline instructions and files here where it says "Stand alone image":
I went to the link above and did not find instructions on how to offline install raspbmc on a Raspberry Pi.

Please help.
Use this guide but instead of using an image from rasbian, use Raspbmc's standalone image.

The standalone image you can find in the link provided by Ned Scott above.
Off topic but VLC on the PI is useless as it doesn't use hardware acceleration.
If I have been of help, please add to my reputation as a way of saying thanks, it's free.

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