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DSPlayer (DirectShow Player for XBMC) Frodo build available
(2013-03-25, 23:40)jlmera Wrote:
(2013-03-25, 14:01)ashlar Wrote: Tiben, is there any way to set the subtitle position manually? I mean, editing some file, something. Smile

If the subtitle is inside the mkv container, you can not adjust the position on the screen, I could not find how to adjust it.
Sad That's pretty strange, though. I believe the engine used for subtitles comes from MPC-HC, where one can adjust subtitles positioning regardless of source filter used (including AVSplitter).
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
(2013-02-03, 00:42)Roman_V_M Wrote: Known issues/limitations:
- DSplayer has limited network stream support (including streams from TV-backends). This is not exactly its issue, but rather a DirectShow limitation - there is no universal DS source filter which can support multiple network stream formats. As a workaround, in the builds I post I add the following strings in the system playercorefactory.xml file:
PHP Code:
<!-- DSPlayer rulesset network streams to DVDPlayer -->
rule name="other" protocols="daap|rtv|rtsp|rtmp|http|https|rtmpe|rtsp|mms|rtp|pvr" player="DVDPlayer" /> 
to play network streams with XBMC's default DVDplayer. If you have obtained a build from other sources, you may want to consider adding these strings to your own configuration.
- DSplayer does not support ass/ssa subtitles with complex effects (shadows, karaoke etc.), though it can display those subs with simple formatting (fonts, colors, position etc.).

Hi together,

I Have a question abou this.

Is there no solution for supporting TV right now or at all? Supporting TV is in my opinion a must have. One of the biggest issues in Standard XMBC is the video quality. With dsplayer this works absolutely perfect, except TV. But now TV support belongs to XMBC.

(2013-03-27, 10:13)juro1971 Wrote: Hi together,

I Have a question abou this.

Is there no solution for supporting TV right now or at all? Supporting TV is in my opinion a must have. One of the biggest issues in Standard XMBC is the video quality. With dsplayer this works absolutely perfect, except TV. But now TV support belongs to XMBC.


No. There is no solution for now.
This means for the future a solution is possible?
Another question:

The official Standard build where dsplayer build is based on has a major issue regading channel switching times supporting Mediaportal TV engine. Thias is solved by Margro now. Question now is. How can the build can be put togehter?


(2013-03-27, 11:31)juro1971 Wrote: Another question:

The official Standard build where dsplayer build is based on has a major issue regading channel switching times supporting Mediaportal TV engine. Thias is solved by Margro now. Question now is. How can the build can be put togehter?



You need apply a diff patch with respective changes and then to compile a build. This is provided the diff patch does not include platform-specific code.
(2013-03-27, 13:06)Roman_V_M Wrote:
(2013-03-27, 11:31)juro1971 Wrote: Another question:

The official Standard build where dsplayer build is based on has a major issue regading channel switching times supporting Mediaportal TV engine. Thias is solved by Margro now. Question now is. How can the build can be put togehter?



You need apply a diff patch with respective changes and then to compile a build. This is provided the diff patch does not include platform-specific code.

Upss, unfortunately I am not able to do this because I have no idea how to do this. I am just a User :-(

(2013-03-27, 11:17)juro1971 Wrote: This means for the future a solution is possible?

It is possible if you can code directshow source filter for TV streaming data. Directshow is good for file based source but not good in term of live source.

AFAIK all(?) application that can handle streaming source and use directshow filter for decoding developed their own frontend & live source & protocol handler. Not making into directshow source filter. Unless those filters are developed or DSPlayer dev write their own handlers , it would probably never be supported in DSPlayer.
(2013-03-27, 13:53)juro1971 Wrote: Upss, unfortunately I am not able to do this because I have no idea how to do this. I am just a User :-(


I could do it myself, if someone provides me a diff patch. Because honestly I don't know what all this about as I don't use XBMC for TV.

(2013-03-27, 14:03)oldpoem Wrote:
(2013-03-27, 11:17)juro1971 Wrote: This means for the future a solution is possible?

It is possible if you can code directshow source filter for TV streaming data. Directshow is good for file based source but not good in term of live source.

AFAIK all(?) application that can handle streaming source and use directshow filter for decoding developed their own frontend & live source & protocol handler. Not making into directshow source filter. Unless those filters are developed or DSPlayer dev write their own handlers , it would probably never be supported in DSPlayer.

You are totally right, except for one small comment: http-streams can be handled with DSplayer, because Windows includes "File source (URL)" source filter which can handle such streams. However, it provides very limited streaming format support - only basic http-streams.
(2013-03-27, 14:12)Roman_V_M Wrote:
(2013-03-27, 13:53)juro1971 Wrote: Upss, unfortunately I am not able to do this because I have no idea how to do this. I am just a User :-(


I could do it myself, if someone provides me a diff patch. Because honestly I don't know what all this about as I don't use XBMC for TV.

(2013-03-27, 14:03)oldpoem Wrote:
(2013-03-27, 11:17)juro1971 Wrote: This means for the future a solution is possible?

It is possible if you can code directshow source filter for TV streaming data. Directshow is good for file based source but not good in term of live source.

AFAIK all(?) application that can handle streaming source and use directshow filter for decoding developed their own frontend & live source & protocol handler. Not making into directshow source filter. Unless those filters are developed or DSPlayer dev write their own handlers , it would probably never be supported in DSPlayer.

You are totally right, except for one small comment: http-streams can be handled with DSplayer, because Windows includes "File source (URL)" source filter which can handle such streams. However, it provides very limited streaming format support - only basic http-streams.

Regarding diff patch I will ask Margro providing this.

Regarding TV Streaming support, mmh? That`s not nice and a gap. I dont know how this is handled by MediaPortal, here it works. My main requirement is having best video quality with all video sources. So far this is poissible with using windows codecs and postprocessing for sv video using ffdshow.
BTW I just installed DSPlayer 12.1 on my ATOM ION330 & My friend's Xtreamer Ultra 2. XBMC DSPlayer suffers playback problem got frame pause every few seconds on both system. It was good in 12.0 version.

CPU is not maxed out. So for now I switched my ATOM to XBMC Nightly build which has MT patch applied (it was good and some hi10 files can now be played on that system). And for my friend's system just use internal player as default.

My other HTPCs are still using DSPlayer 12.1 though. So anyone using ATOM device should stay away from 12.1 build for now.

(2013-03-27, 14:20)juro1971 Wrote: Regarding TV Streaming support, mmh? That`s not nice and a gap. I dont know how this is handled by MediaPortal, here it works. My main requirement is having best video quality with all video sources. So far this is poissible with using windows codecs and postprocessing for sv video using ffdshow.

It could be possible to incorporate tsreader.ax from MediaPortal into DSPlayer. But that filter was build with MediaPortal application in mind, So it might not work well in other application.

I'm using VU+ instead because I have DM800 lying around. But then I hardly watched TV with XBMC except when I feel too lazy to switch HDMI source.
(2013-03-27, 14:39)oldpoem Wrote: BTW I just installed DSPlayer 12.1 on my ATOM ION330 & My friend's Xtreamer Ultra 2. XBMC DSPlayer suffers playback problem got frame pause every few seconds on both system. It was good in 12.0 version.

CPU is not maxed out. So for now I switched my ATOM to XBMC Nightly build which has MT patch applied (it was good and some hi10 files can now be played on that system). And for my friend's system just use internal player as default.

My other HTPCs are still using DSPlayer 12.1 though. So anyone using ATOM device should stay away from 12.1 build for now.

(2013-03-27, 14:20)juro1971 Wrote: Regarding TV Streaming support, mmh? That`s not nice and a gap. I dont know how this is handled by MediaPortal, here it works. My main requirement is having best video quality with all video sources. So far this is poissible with using windows codecs and postprocessing for sv video using ffdshow.

It could be possible to incorporate tsreader.ax from MediaPortal into DSPlayer. But that filter was build with MediaPortal application in mind, So it might not work well in other application.

I'm using VU+ instead because I have DM800 lying around. But then I hardly watched TV with XBMC except when I feel too lazy to switch HDMI source.

So only a special MediaPortal solution could bepossible? would be perfect for me and a lot of other Users. special solution is bestter than no solution. What is VU+ and DM800?

BR Juro
(2013-03-27, 14:54)juro1971 Wrote: So only a special MediaPortal solution could bepossible? would be perfect for me and a lot of other Users. special solution is bestter than no solution. What is VU+ and DM800?

BR Juro

I meant that MediaPortal team developed tsreader.ax which is a directshow source filter that read .ts (transport stream aka tv stream) and demux it to use with other directshow decoding filters. So it would be possible to use or implement that filter for XBMC as well. But last time I read it was still has problems connecting output pin to few other directshow filters not sure if it fixed now.

I think it's possible but need some works and few obstacles.

1.) that filter was built with MediaPortal application in mind. So it might not works well with other application without altering codes.
2.) TV is not what DSPlayer dev intended to use at the beginning. DSPlayer fork & PVR fork were independently developed with different goals. I don't know even if DSPlayer dev use XBMC for TV now. So it might not on their TODO list at all.

VU+ is XBMC TVbackend for Enigma based device. And DM800 is Dreambox 800 which based on Enigma2. I already have that device so I use it to play with XBMC.
(2013-03-27, 14:12)Roman_V_M Wrote:
(2013-03-27, 13:53)juro1971 Wrote: Upss, unfortunately I am not able to do this because I have no idea how to do this. I am just a User :-(


I could do it myself, if someone provides me a diff patch. Because honestly I don't know what all this about as I don't use XBMC for TV.

Hi Roman,

I asked Margro for the diff patch and he answered See here : http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid...pid1379594

BR Juro
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