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My 30 Add-on API wishes
For subtitles, this works:

li.setProperty('upnp:subtitle:1', 'http://server.com/video_subtitle.srt')
Ok, 1.4 subtitles have been merged as ListItem.setSubtitles (PR5192). For Gotham the above hack can still be used, but note that it's not forward compatible.

Doing the same for audio will afaik require some major changes first. See PR2562. After that, it should be feasible to add
bump for devcon Smile
My GitHub. My Add-ons:
Sunday is programming day, get it on the agenda Wink
Apologies ahead of time for reviving a thread dead for 5 weeks...


For 5.6, I have a partial implementation, but it is not native...

I recently released a python interprocess communication system that currently allows the storage of pickleable items in a running service. The data persists in between plugin runs.

As it currently stands, individual addons can also save and restore objects to disk manually for persistence between kodi sessions. If there is interest, I could modify it to flag individual items for between-session persistence, taking the burden of implementing this off consuming addons.

See: 209171 (thread)



More specifically in the docs: http://kenv99.github.io/service.ipcdatas...store.html
This thread is never dead.

Also I should add a request for a pickleable ListItem. ironic_monkey says that this would require the implentation of __reduce__ on the C class.
(2014-08-18, 17:38)takoi Wrote: Ok, 1.4 subtitles have been merged as ListItem.setSubtitles (PR5192). For Gotham the above hack can still be used, but note that it's not forward compatible.

Doing the same for audio will afaik require some major changes first. See PR2562. After that, it should be feasible to add


Is this going to address the lack of support for Mpeg-Dash e.g. youtube 1080P 60FPS?
If so it seems PR2562 has stalled.
Seems that they are on attempt 3 see PR6104
How do we get this back on track?

Don't think so. Youtube doesn't use external audio, just separate tracks for audio/video in the same dash stream. Afaik dash support needs to be added to ffmpeg.
I believe that DASH has separate video and audio streams with a manifest that tells the player what streams and chunks are available. I think I have heard this is already being worked on for ffmpeg, but is not in any released version at this time. In any case, this is something more complex than the ability to play a separate audio stream.
Not sure this note in ffmpeg 2.5 changelog

Quote:creating DASH compatible fragmented MP4, MPEG-DASH segmenting muxer

means it has been added, see changelog at https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/95.../Changelog

We are now bumped to ffmpeg 2.5 in master.
(2015-01-06, 14:35)jjd-uk Wrote: Not sure this note in ffmpeg 2.5 changelog

Quote:creating DASH compatible fragmented MP4, MPEG-DASH segmenting muxer

means it has been added, see changelog at https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/95.../Changelog

We are now bumped to ffmpeg 2.5 in master.

That's muxer, not demuxer
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(2013-02-05, 18:23)sphere Wrote: 2.4 Skin defined fonts and font sizes (thanks to bossanova808)
Some definition of standard fonts and font sizes - so that a WindowXML will at least somewhat across most skins without awful font overlaps etc. At the moment if you do a WindowXML of any complexity you basically need all the skinners to hop on board for it to be usable. If there were some standardised options:
- Very Large
- Large
- Normal
- Small
- Very Small
....always the same sized, then addons would instantly be at least usable on other skins...

i'm trying to bring up this idea amongst our skinners:
214140 (thread)

any ideas/feedback from addon devs on this subject would be most welcome too
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(2015-01-06, 22:34)Martijn Wrote:
(2015-01-06, 14:35)jjd-uk Wrote: Not sure this note in ffmpeg 2.5 changelog

Quote:creating DASH compatible fragmented MP4, MPEG-DASH segmenting muxer

means it has been added, see changelog at https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/95.../Changelog

We are now bumped to ffmpeg 2.5 in master.

That's muxer, not demuxer

They also haven't added mention of it to documentation. We'd like to use it with Media Browser, but when I search for information on it, this thread is the first thing that comes up Smile
for pickling:


shows the basics of how to make a C python class pickle-able. as this is from internal code i cannot currently distribute, i have had to strip it somewhat. the important stuff:

1) have __reduce__ in the class. this needs to use Py_BuildValue as done there.
2) have a constructor for the class, which can reconstruct the object based on the serialized info in __reduce__ (same order of arguments is important).

I know I already created a thread a while ago about this, but this place seems to be more suited to ask for this feature; Sorry for the duplicate.

I would love to see something to be able to force refresh on a specific media file (either music, movie, tv episode or even tvshows directories)
How about adding a built-in 'Refresh' function ? It would take 1 parameter : a path to a file or a directory, and would just call the same method as the 'Refresh' button in movie information. This could also complete the existing 'UpdateLibrary' which currently only accepts directories.

I'm asking for this because there seems to be no way of reproducing the same behavior as in the FileBrowser / VideoNavigator from an addon : When displaying the 'Info' window for a given media, the 'Refresh' button is greyed out, even if all the other informations are correct (using XBMC.Action('Info') as a context-menu action). Using the same on an unparsed file shows an empty information window, while it actually refreshes the file's data in library mode.

I think other addons/people faced this issue too, I found a few other topics mentioning this on the forum. If I had to name just one, addons such as 'missing movie scanner' would greatly benefit from this kind of this function.

Thanks !
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