Hi all. I'm the author of the IPTV Simple PVR-addon.
This addon base on pvr.demo addon but supports the m3u playlist and EPG in XMLTV format.
The lastest public build you can find at the first page of thread
http://xbmc.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=3226 or
here. There are versions for Window, Linux (32-bit and 64-bit). OSX (32-bit and 64-bit) and Raspberry PI.
Sources can be found at
The lastest version of addon supports:
1. m3u playlist in format (take a look at below):
#EXTM3U tvg-shift=3
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="id1" tvg-name="Channel_1" tvg-logo="logo1" group-title="Group 1",Channel 1
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="id2" tvg-name="Channel_2" tvg-logo="logo2" group-title="Group 2",Channel 2
tvg-id is value of
channel id in EPG xml file. If the tag is absent then addon will use tvg-name for map channel to EPG;
tvg-name is value of
display-name in EPG there all space chars replaced to _ (underscore char) if this value is not found in xml then addon will use the channel name to find correct EPG.
tvg-logo is name of channel logo file. If this tag is absent then addon will use channel name to find logo.
tvg-shift is value in hours to shift EPG time. This tag can be used in #EXTM3U for apply shift to all channels or in #EXTINF for apply shift only to current channel.
group-name is channels group name. If the tag is absent then addon will use group name from the previous channel.
2. Addon supports the EPG in XMLTV format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<channel id="id1">
<display-name lang="en">Channel 1</display-name>
<channel id="id2">
<display-name lang="en">Channel 2</display-name>
<programme start="20130215080000 +0100" stop="20130215081500 +0100" channel="id1">
<title lang="en">News</title>
<programme start="20130215080500 +0100" stop="20130215083500 +0100" channel="id2">
<title lang="en">Movie</title>
In the future releases will be implemented support timers and posibility to pause stream.
If you have some questions about addon or how addon working then please ask me.
I'm looking for solution to how can I build add-on for iOS and Android.
You can support project.. Thanks.