cannot install on 5.2 ATV2

After months of running xbmc on my ATV2 I decided to upgrade to ios 5.2

Using season pass i jailbroke and install nito successfully I cannot install xbmc in any way. i've tried using command line, nito installer and from within nito on the atv2 and nothing?

i keep getting the message 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 11 not upgraded.

does this mean the server is down or a problem my end?

Pretty much expected since XBMC doesn't run on ATV2 software 5.2.
What is the latest version that XBMC will work with?
iOS FAQ (wiki)
is it possible to down grade to 5.1 or am I stuck on 5.2?
Use Seas0nPass to install 5.0.2.
Thanks.. do I need to have 5.0.2 on my computer or does seas0npass grab it online?
(2013-02-17, 21:22)mwatson Wrote: Thanks.. do I need to have 5.0.2 on my computer or does seas0npass grab it online?

You are not alone, I did the same. When in seasonpass, right click on the create IPSW and you will see all the IOs versions, click on 5.0.2 and then run jailbreak as normal.

Hope that helps.
Ahh yes. it works! Thats lucky, if only other ios items were this easy to downgrade.

Thanks for everyone's help
Gonna try this as I too made the mistake of upgrading! Fingers crossed!
#11 pepole are stars my xbmc back! Thx folks!
(2013-02-18, 08:15)Beautiful Rock Wrote:
(2013-02-17, 21:22)mwatson Wrote: Thanks.. do I need to have 5.0.2 on my computer or does seas0npass grab it online?

You are not alone, I did the same. When in seasonpass, right click on the create IPSW and you will see all the IOs versions, click on 5.0.2 and then run jailbreak as normal.

Hope that helps.

Worked great. Been looking for this solution for two days... I knew it could be done!

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cannot install on 5.2 ATV20
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