Hey, I am very new to this so please be kind!! I have an ATV2 - this week I performed JB and it was successful. The Red FC logo appeared and all was good. I then purchased ATV Flash (Black) and again appeared successful. The first thing I noticed however was the red FC box disappeared but a Maintenance box took its place. When I follow the online instructions as stated I go to Maintenance - manage extras - but XBMC is nowhere to be seen. It is not an option to be installed from other 3rd party. All that is there is air control beta and nito tv.

If I go to Nito and then to manage - packages there are 3 XBMC files but even after installing them nothing happens. I am running IOS 5.2 - I have tried Nitro installer and all of the Terminal instructions I have found over the threads but still cant get it to work. The most puzzling thing is the fact that it does not appear anywhere in the layout or menu for me to access. Am I doing something stupidly wrong or am I just doomed to fail. Any help would be greatly appreciated. [/size]
XBMC does not run on ATV2 software 5.2 yet.
and read other 3 threads with the same question... and answer
And the sticky which also tells it ... closed *grrr*.
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)

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