Need hardware recommendations for basic MC setup
I have a few basic needs that I'm looking to fill with XBMC. I'm looking for suggestions for hardware that will fit my needs. Here are my needs from the system:

Must have features
1. Play 1080p video (mkv Blu Ray rips) without lag or stutter from an external USB drive.
2. Low powered device.
3. Ability to use a remote control (USB or RF).

"Nice to have" features
1. Be able to play wtv and dvr-ms files, from Windows Media Center.
2. Able to play Dolby Digital and DTS audio

I have been looking into the Raspberry Pi, but have heard that it doesn't work too well with high quality 1080p video. I've seen the ODROID online but haven't found much information about how well it performs with XBMC. I know there are other "tinkering" boards available too (i.e. pandaboard, beagle board, etc).

Anyone have any feedback or recommendations about specific hardware that plays nicely with XBMC and accomplishes my needs listed above?
I just came across the G-Box Midnight. This looks like a pretty decent device for an xbmc media center. Anyone have any experiences to share for this device?
(2013-02-20, 04:05)docmattman Wrote: I just came across the G-Box Midnight. This looks like a pretty decent device for an xbmc media center. Anyone have any experiences to share for this device?

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