Are all Amlogic 8726 M3 based sticks good for XBMC?
Just a shame that Pivos didn't have enough control over their own hardwear requiring their buying public to make a hardwear modification. Also quite comical that a tiny Californian company playing in such a large pond gets it's fingers so badly burnt.

Not a smart ass comment as you put it, but it certainly made the smart ass bite as I knew it would.
(2013-02-24, 00:42)bluepeter Wrote: Just a shame that Pivos didn't have enough control over their own hardwear requiring their buying public to make a hardwear modification. Also quite comical that a tiny Californian company playing in such a large pond gets it's fingers so badly burnt.

Not a smart ass comment as you put it, but it certainly made the smart ass bite as I knew it would.

Wow, you sound like Raoul Pivos killed your dog, and now you're on a mission of vengeance.

If you are referring to the placement of the wifi antenna on the initial batch of units, Pivos provided an easy hardware fix that required you to pop the cover off the unit and move some tape, and the factory changed the default placement of the antenna as soon as they were made aware of the issue. I work for a very large company, and I would be thrilled if I could get customer impacting issues resolved that quickly.
I have no bone to pick with anyone, I'm getting a little to old for that. My teenage son still enjoys mucking about with xbmc on the original Xbox. The spirit of xbmc is being lost to a corporate world and I take exception to young whipper snappers who think they are gods gift to a reference I make to being "smart arsed" when they don't really know what they are talking about. And before anyone decides they feel they need to give me a lecture on the nature and ethics going on here.... take a deep breath go read some literature and you're understand where I'm coming from.

PS... I don't own a dog.... but 2 cats Wink
The wifi antenna issue (OMFG pivos-antennagate) is called shit happens and what makes the more important impression is what said company does when shit happens. Some companies would have quietly ignored the issue, what Pivos did was quickly identify the problem, show users how to fix it with a statement that the warrantee would remain intact and for users that did not feel they could make the fix, offered an exchange. Pivos stands behind it's products, it anyone is unhappy with it, they should contact Pivos at [email protected].
HAHAHA, bluepeter, I'm much older than you think, in fact I was playing with computers way back in the late 70s. I was around before irc and email and my son is a grown adult with children of their own. So if you don't think I know and understand the nature and ethics going on here, you are clueless.

PS, I win, I have 4 cats Smile
There was a reason i did not reply. Oppinions were already formed, which is fine. Eveybody is entitled to have his own oppinion, but it makes any discussion point less.

Let's agree, to not agree.
If nerds didn't have fevered arguments over relatively insignificant matters, would the internet be any fun at all?

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