Season Fanart Database
Hi everyone

I must admit when it comes to XBMC I'm rather 'anal' about the configuration of my system. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Part of this affliction is my need to have season fanart which matches the DVD covers of each season of a show. This will more often than not mean I will need to create my own artwork, which I would like to share with others whom may be interested.

The currently available tv fanart sites ( and, both of which I can't praise enough) have great categories for fanart, posters, season posters, logos etc, but not for season fanart.

So my questions is really this; now that XBMC natively supports season fanart, is there an appetite for a place to store and share this, and if so would one of the aforementioned sites (should they see this) be willing to add such a category to their sites?
Sounds like a great idea to me.
You're on to something there. If you get enough support, then Kode's the man to ask. Might be worth mentioning it in the forums over at Wink
#4 already supports season fanart and has done since we added backgrounds to the tv section?
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Blush Ummmm..........what he said!!!
Sorry Kode. I though that was more of a general fanart/background section rather than season. Is there a way that the uploader can specify which season the background relates to, so that an add-on such as artwork downloader could possibly be developed to indentified and place this in the correct folder?

Sorry, just tried to upload and saw this can be specfied! Tongue
No problem, yeah it does both, you can either specify a season or leave it as a general one.
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