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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi
okay, ran it from Xterm in openbox and it did the following
xbmc@xbmc2:~/.config/openbox$ ./
xbmc@xbmc2:~/.config/openbox$ Running DIL ( Version
DTSDeviceOpen: Opening HW in mode 0
DTSDeviceOpen: Create File Failed

after a couple seconds, xbmc came up.
went to exit xbmc, and it sat there for ~ 30 seconds, then went back to openbox and the following line was added to the XTerm
Exception SystemExit in <function _remove at 0x7f1f047be6e0> ignored

but it never actually returned to the prompt, just ended with that line.
Not sure what up with that error, but xbmc sometimes takes its time exiting, that's why I forcefully kill the xbmc process in the add on.

Its strange that xbmc loads when manually running the script, but not when starting openbox. I don't know what could be causing it, I haven't had that problem with my non xbmcbuntu 14.04 install. I'd be looking for openbox log files to see if there's any info in there as to why the script isn't running.
Double post ... Damn shonky mobile data coverage... Please delete.

apparently xbmcbuntu 13 doesn't use openbox, it uses lxde. Found when trying to google why autostart wasn't running, which lead me to
and that's when I saw startxbmcbuntu was actually running
# Start the LXDE session
exec /usr/bin/lxsession -s XBMCbuntu -e LXDE

so I edited the lxde startup file to add /usr/bin/xbmc, and xbmc is now running as it's supposed to at boot.

now this is wha thappens when I try to run the steam bpm addon (I had top running via shell to see what was happening)
it briefly shuts back to the desktop, xbmc.bin no longer shows in top
then it switches to the xbmc loading screen, xbmc.bin shows in to pwith a new pid, like it was running new again
then a couple seconds after taht, steam bpm starts up, almost like it starts over xbmc. now xbmc.bin & steam are in top
if I exit steam, steam stays in top, and the view switches immediately back to xbmc since it was already running in the background.

shouldn't the addon exit xbmc to run steam so resources aren't being halved, then once steam is exited, rerun xbmc?
Yeah thats how its supposed to run, I'll check it out this weekend. You can run the scripts within the add on from a terminal to get a better idea of what's going on

~/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/script.steam.launcher/scripts/ /usr/bin/steam /usr/bin/xbmc 0

Is the command (that's on my phone from memory, so double check the paths)
Okay, sounds good. Thanks for taking a look. Your addon worked awesome with xbmc unto 12 and hoping to achieve the same effect with 13
On my updated as of today xbmcbuntu 13 install, openbox, and steam-launcher are all working correctly. Not sure why youre having problems, did you perhaps upgrade over xbmcbuntu 12?
Nope. Working with a clean install this time. Downloaded the xbmcbuntu 13b2 iso and installed it directly into a wiped drive. I'll try it again tonight making Steam bpm the first thing I do just to be sure.

To note, i'm not doing any updates to existing, so the xbmcbuntu13b2 is still one version behind. If it doesn't work right away, i'll try updating xbmc once installed to v13b3 and see if that makes a difference, although I did s3 mentioned in the xbmcbuntu thread that they did switch to lxde. Weird that yours would still be using open box.
openbox is installed, but not enabled by defult, probably to keep things simple. None the less, the addon should work in any desktop environment, Ive tested it with kubuntu too. Make sure you do a dist-upgrade after installing and also upgrading your gpu drivers helps a great deal with steam too.
I did upgrade to nVidia latest, but didn't do a dist-upgrade, so maybe that's what the issue is. I'll try it again tonight at some point and post results.

Thanks for working with me on this.
okay, I went back and redid everything and everything seems functional now

If you want a reference with xbmcuntu13, since I didn't use openbox since 13 comes with lxde as the default, you can see the steps I took here:

thanks your your help though. Awesome addon! Few more steps to try it with steam in-home streaming and I'll be all set!
Glad you got it working. Thats the pitfall of using betas - things will break and they can act strangely.. I notice youve installed the xorg-edgers ppa - that has broken my system many times, Ive recntly been using drivers from this ppa and no dramas so far.
I haven't had any issues with them, "yet", but I am having a playabck issue.
I'll swap to them and see if that fixes it
Its not so much the drivers but all the other packages that are installed, like ths one I got stung by..
Love the add-in but I'm having a bit of trouble. Windows 8, Aeon MQ5.

The launcher works peachy from the program add-ons menu. But for whatever reason, it doesn't work at all when I set it as a home menu item. Anyone else have this issue?
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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi7
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