Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi
I have never used Aeon MQ5, but the add on works when added to the home screen/main menus of Aeon Nox 4 + 5 and confluence. Does the xbmc log file give you any hints after running the add on from the main menu?
say/pretend i'm mentally handicap and am running windows 7 x64 and have steam and xbmc installed and didn't understand hardly any thing in this thread, where would i copy the files from the rar file and what other steps would be needed to install this plug in.
If steam + xbmc are installed in their default directories on win7 x64 it should just work, if the install directories are not the defaults you'll need to change it in the addon settings.
No need to extract anything from the zip file, just install the addon via xbmc's GUI:
and how would i get it to show up on the "main bar" like this video,
What skin are you using?

Oh and I forgot, if you want auto updates install my repo, steps are the same as above and download link is in the first post.
confluence the default skin.

for the repo "this addon does not have the correct structure"
Not sure how to add it to the confluence main mnu, you would need to edit skin files. Probably easier to add it as a icon shortcut under the main menu. You could try a skin which has the ability to edit the main menu via the GUI, such as aeon nox 5 (Gotham only).

What version of the repo and which version of xbmc? Try downloading it again, v1.0.1 installed fine on android xbmc.
confluence does let you add it as icon... a big massive icon that sticks out like a sore thumb. :{ it's not bad but, if it was like in that video it would be PERFECT.
In that case you'll need to edit the confluence skin files.
Sorry if this has been covered already...

I'm using XBMCbuntu and would like to run Steam (I will probably wait until I get the streaming beta or the full streaming version is released). I'm just wondering if logging into XBMCbuntu with the windows manager (as opposed to going straight to an XBMC session) creates any overhead that will slow down XBMC - either in startup time, navigation, or anything else relevant. I quite like how XBMCbuntu's XBMC session feels very 'light', and would avoid logging into "buntu" if it causes any noticible slowdowns.

Cheers Smile
It depends on the hardware I guess, but it shouldn't really make a difference with somewhat modern hardware. It might take a bit longer to boot, but I doubt it will slow down xbmc. There is always openbox which is lighter than xbmcbuntu, but if it makes a difference , I dont know.
Okay, thanks. I'll try it out and see how it goes. Smile
if i edited the skin file would i be bypassing this addon or making use of/working with this addon? basically would i have to worry about manually editing or updating such mod over time?

the latest x86 windows bxmc off the xbmc homepage and the repo that your OP links too on git hub. edit: also tried teedub repo v1.0.1 at the bottom of OP
Yeah you would need to update the skin each time a new version is released, although with confluence I think thats only with a new xbmc version, thats why I suggested using a skin that has that functionality built in.

Ill try the repo on windows.
teeedubb you fucking legend.
it works perfectly!
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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi7
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