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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi
Is kodilauncher being killed when you run the add-on? Try using the full paths to the PS tools in your scripts, eg c:\path\to\pskill.exe
(2015-01-05, 20:34)teeedubb Wrote: Is kodilauncher being killed when you run the add-on? Try using the full paths to the PS tools in your scripts, eg c:\path\to\pskill.exe

Yes, it's being killed :?:

Correction it was not apparently. Strange last time I checked it was killed (maybe I only tested the killing of KodiLauncher by executing the .bat directly). I'm using the full paths now.
Steam is launched correctly now!

New issue :-) - When I launch steam Kodi is suspended and the sound of selecting the Steam addon in Kodi keeps hanging until it's resumed.
I solved that by doing "ping -n 1 -w 500>null" right before suspending Kodi, which works great.

Thank you!
Platforms: macOS - iOS - OSMC
co-author: Red Bull TV add-on
New issue: if I quit Kodi and open Chrome or some other application, then start Kodi (this time explorer.exe is running) and launch steam, exit steam, then Kodi is not in foreground.
When I click on the icon to bring Kodi into foreground it's still suspended. So I think somehow in this way the post steam script isn't called.
And that same script now works great if I'm using it Kodi/steam launcher right after booting up (without explorer.exe).

OK Last update.. I solved it by not using pssuspend, and use pskill instead to kill both kodilauncher and kodi before steam and then start kodilauncher after steam.
Works great.
Platforms: macOS - iOS - OSMC
co-author: Red Bull TV add-on
(2015-01-04, 03:04)teeedubb Wrote: @j0rdan make sure you updated the built-in scripts. It should automatically ask if you want to update them but you can do it manually via the addons settings. If that doesn't work post a log file of running the add-on.

Hey teeedubb,

thanks, that worked.

I did try that before, but that was before I completely removed the addon and reinstalled it fresh, so must have done something.

Hi I'm trying to setup steam BPM in Kodibuntu, but when I run steam in Big Picture mode I can only see a quarter of the screen centered in my TV. Have anyone had the same problem?, Steam standalone version works fine.

Are you using a window manager? Bpm needs one. What's the output of:

DISPLAY=:0 wmctrl -l

I installed wmctrl.

the ouput is:

DISPLAY=:0 wmctrl -l
Cannot get client list properties.
Yeah you don't have a window manager running. First post has a link to how to setup xbmcbuntu for use with steam BPM, I haven't updated it for kodibuntu, but I think all that needs to be changed is xbmc to kodi.
Add option to suspend audio when not quiting Kodi.

Have important triggers on Kodi shutdown, so wish to keep it, but audio locked on WASAPI, so this is solution.
I made a guide I hope will work for people,
I'm pretty certain this is what I did to get my arch HTPC working with steam big picture, kodi autologin and fairly smooth switching between kodi and xbmc.
I am running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with Kodi, the system automatically logins into the Kodi session. I also have open box and Steam launcher setup. I can get into Steam BPM just find, and it will connect to my host desktop computer. The problem arises when i try to stream a game. When i try to stream a game i just get a black screen. I can still hear the steam BPM menu's in the background if i use my xbox controller, also the game does successfully launch on the host machine.

I have been on the steam forums and turned off hardware encoding / decoding on both host and client, and my drivers are up to date. It appears that Steam bpm is trying to stream a game, but instead of successfully streaming the game, it throws up a black screen in front of the steam bpm menu. You still have control of the steam bpm menu, and can hear it, but you cannot see it as there is a black screen overtop of everything.

Any ideas to fix this?
(2014-05-12, 10:26)teeedubb Wrote: Set the Openbox background to black and XBMC to auto start:
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/openbox/ && echo "export DISPLAY=:0" >> $HOME/.config/openbox/ && echo "xsetroot -solid black &" >> $HOME/.config/openbox/ && echo "/usr/bin/xbmc &" >> $HOME/.config/openbox/ && chmod +x $HOME/.config/openbox/

Holy schnikes there is a lot involved in marrying kodibuntu + steam

I've got several things to work thus far, but I'm not getting Kodi to autostart just yet or a black background

Could you post the code of a working Just for reference as my terminal interpretation is poor

I ended up with
export DISPLAY=:0 &
xsetroot -solid black &
/usr/bin/xbmc &

There is still a /usr/bin/xbmc though I've tried booting with the setup like shown above and also changed to /usr/bin/kodi (which also exists) to no avail

The steam in home streaming has me pretty excited though. I'll end up consolidating my server and gaming machine when this all works out and sell one of them off as I'm currently not using a low powered HTPC (and I have enough spare parts to sell off a server)

I at least already have steam installed and have streamed a few games in kodibuntu. Didn't work out the audio part yet. Is pulse audio installation still blocked after Gotham introduced the pulse-audio sink? Well, one thing at a time and autostart is up on the priority for me

Tried searching this issue with a lot of people trying to set their user-session to XBMC (not what we are looking for) all my other searches ended here or where someone had copied your post already.
Here is the contents of my

xsetroot -solid black &
/usr/bin/kodi &
(2015-01-13, 16:06)leetpeet Wrote: Here is the contents of my

xsetroot -solid black &
/usr/bin/kodi &

Thanks, found out I wasn't booting to Openbox but Lubuntu instead Blush

With that sorted I've not gotten Pulseaudio to give me sound in steam

I have both the pre and post steam scripts setup and audio is working fine in XBMC, though I'm using alsa for XBMC.

EDIT : Everything's working nicely now. Didn't think to go and edit the audio options in Steam BPM on the Kodibuntu box
Now I just can't wait for steam to support this officially in Android

In the meantime I'll probably try Kino Console and/or Limelight

Has anyone tried either for Android, or found something better. Might be a good reason to get that gamepad for the Nexus Player Big Grin
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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi7
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