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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi
Hi teeedubb,

I tried adding that .bat file as a pre-Steam script and unfortunately, it did not kill the Kodi process. I turned UAC all the way down for my admin user as well and still no luck. Not too sure what else to do here...
(2015-05-15, 09:54)teeedubb Wrote: TheBuz: Add the following to the files contained within the addon:

<setting label="50062" id="SteamWin2" type="executable" visible="" default="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe"/>
underneath the line containing:
<setting label="50062" id="SteamWin" type="executable" visible="" default="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe"/>

        if dialog.yesno('Steam Launcher', 'Select which version of Steam to launch:', yeslabel='Steam A',nolabel='Steam B'):
            steamWin = addon.getSetting("SteamWin").decode("utf-8")
            steamWin = addon.getSetting("SteamWin2").decode("utf-8")
underneath the line containing:
        steamlauncher = os.path.join(basePath, 'SteamLauncher-AHK.exe')
Change the title, yes/no dialog to whatever suits you. Note, in indentation is important - before if and else there are 2 tab's (inline with the line under which you instered it) and before steamWin there are 3 tabs. Use something like notepad++ to make the changes.

Thank you a million times!

I had to manually follow the Tab instructions as a straight copy and paste did not work.

Give me a couple of days and i'll check a steam game off your list Smile

i think it's about time i started to learn to code, the world is leaving me behind.
My Kodi / HTPC / Gaming / Tech Channel
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Hello teeedubb,

I've installed the addon to the latest Openelec.
Unfortunately there is no such path as /usr/bin/steam and as a consequence the steam launcher cant be started.
Could you please point me to the right direction where the addon is actually installed so that I can point to it via the settings menu of the addon.

Thanks in advance.
HTPC 1: Asus AT5ION, 4 GB RAM, 60 GB Corsair SSD, MCE Remote, Custom case;
HTPC 2: Asus AT3ION, 4 GB RAM, 60 GB Corsair SSD, MCE Remote, Custom case;
HTPC 3: ASRock A330, 4 GB RAM, 60 GB OCZ SSD, MCE Remote, Custom Case;
(2015-05-18, 15:49)Alexandro Wrote: Hello teeedubb,

I've installed the addon to the latest Openelec.
Unfortunately there is no such path as /usr/bin/steam and as a consequence the steam launcher cant be started.
Could you please point me to the right direction where the addon is actually installed so that I can point to it via the settings menu of the addon.

Thanks in advance.

Unfortunately, Steam doesn't work on OpenElec, since it does not have a windows manager and you cannot install one. Unless they added one in the last six months that is. I had to switch to xbmcbuntu (and now kodibuntu) to get Steam running.
CoreElec on a Tanix TX3 (s905x3). Onkyo NR-656. Canton Movie CD-1000. LG 55B6V.

If it ain't broke: break it, fix it, repeat
Buymeapc I tried on win8.1 with non admin and admin and launcher4kodi as non admin and admin and kodi was closed in all scenarios. You're going to have to test out different scenarios to see where the problem lies (ie like the ones just mentioned) or try different methods to kill kodi in the pre-steam script. Also in your log you have the option 'script update check' disabled, enable that so you have the latest version of the bundled script in use.
I have an issue after switching to Openbox. I installed from the 14.2 64 KODIBuntu ISO. My system would boot right into KODI fine with the TV off. Now it won't. If I reboot the server with the TV off, KODI will not load (I can't see the webserver). If I turn on my TV, I have a blank screen as well. If I reboot the server again with the TV on, then KODI will load up normally. Xorg.log said something about not being able to configure the display or something like that. I can try to replicate the issue and grab the exact verbiage if need be. Anyway, does anyone know how to fix this?
Extract the edid of the TV and configure your PC to use that - it will think the TV is always on and connected. The procedure differs depending on your GPU so you'll need to google it. Eg for nvidia
Thanks a ton! That did it. I did have to kill kodi, kodi.bin, and openbox processes to get the code I needed. One last thing. What changes to the code do I need so that when I choose to exit KODI, it brings me back to the KODI login screen instead of the blank openbox screen with a cursor.
Anyone running Kodibuntu on intel hardware and has gotten hardware decoding to work? I've tried all steps in this thread and some more I found online, but none are working for me.
CoreElec on a Tanix TX3 (s905x3). Onkyo NR-656. Canton Movie CD-1000. LG 55B6V.

If it ain't broke: break it, fix it, repeat
(2015-05-20, 07:07)vampyrex13 Wrote: Thanks a ton! That did it. I did have to kill kodi, kodi.bin, and openbox processes to get the code I needed. One last thing. What changes to the code do I need so that when I choose to exit KODI, it brings me back to the KODI login screen instead of the blank openbox screen with a cursor.

If you're not quitting kodi when running steam you could write a loop script to wait till the kodi process doesn't exist anymore then quit openbox. If you're quitting kodi when running steam you'd need to modify kodi's innards to have the exit button quit openbox.
I keep KODI running in the background since I have some friends that watch media from it. Where would I put this loop script in and what would it look like? Sorry, more of a PC person than Linx, but I'm slowly learning.
Actually you can just change the $HOME/.config/openbox/ file to look like:

export DISPLAY=:0
xsetroot -solid black &
/usr/bin/kodi ; openbox --exit
Hey there,

As always, great work on this. One question: does it play well with Launcher4Kodi? Is there anything else I should think about launching at startup, like my xbox 360 controller receiver drivers or something, or should that be done automatically?
(2015-05-22, 08:46)teeedubb Wrote: Actually you can just change the $HOME/.config/openbox/ file to look like:

export DISPLAY=:0
xsetroot -solid black &
/usr/bin/kodi ; openbox --exit

Thanks! I'll test out that code this weekend.
(2015-05-22, 18:43)ratzofftoya Wrote: Hey there,

As always, great work on this. One question: does it play well with Launcher4Kodi? Is there anything else I should think about launching at startup, like my xbox 360 controller receiver drivers or something, or should that be done automatically?

The only issue with launcher4kodi I've heard of is enabling the force focus on kodi because there is a small overlap of the two programs running at the same time and steam losing focus. A ahk script as a pretty steam script could probably get around this. Xbox wireless receiver is loaded automatically on windows start up.
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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi7
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