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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi
(2015-05-24, 07:28)teeedubb Wrote:
(2015-05-22, 18:43)ratzofftoya Wrote: Hey there,

As always, great work on this. One question: does it play well with Launcher4Kodi? Is there anything else I should think about launching at startup, like my xbox 360 controller receiver drivers or something, or should that be done automatically?

The only issue with launcher4kodi I've heard of is enabling the force focus on kodi because there is a small overlap of the two programs running at the same time and steam losing focus. A ahk script as a pretty steam script could probably get around this. Xbox wireless receiver is loaded automatically on windows start up.

Thanks! Sure would love if someone could make an ahk script like that...
Any news on Isengard compatiblity?
I get an error saying that the zip files do not have a valid file structure when installing in Kodi 15

Also, there are no vivid packaged drivers in ppa:mdeslaur/steamos Sad
However I believe I resolved this issue by running
wget && sudo dpkg -i steamos-xpad-dkms_0.3-0md0.14.04.2_all.deb
I finally got my audio working perfectly with Steam with ALSA with zero crackling. I have my script wake up my gaming rig (sudo apt-get install powerwake), then swap in my .asoundrc file I use just for Steam. There's some code to keep my gaming rig awake in case I accidentally close Steam too soon. After closing Steam, my other script restores my original .asoundrc and shutsdown my gaming rig after 60 seconds. Also, my .asoundrc.steam config can be overwritten on boot in case my server crashes on me and the original .asoundrc file is not restored. Thanks for everyone's help that led me to get this all working on my system.
# abort shutdown gaming pc
net rpc abortshutdown -S GamingRigName -U UserName%Password

# wakeup gaming pc
powerwake XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

# swap in .asoundrc
cp ~/.asoundrc.steam ~/.asoundrc
# shutdown gaming pc
net rpc shutdown -S GamingRigName -U UserName%Password -t 60

# restore .asoundrc
cp ~/.asoundrc.original ~/.asoundrc

.asoundrc.steam - Scroll down to my next post for a better config for 5.1 surround.
# --auto-generated-- by /etc/kodi/live.d/
# AUTOUPDATE=True  # change this to disable updating of this file
pcm.!default {
   type plug
   slave.pcm "dmixer"

pcm.dmixer {
   type dmix
   ipc_key 1024
   slave {
      pcm "hw:0,9"
      rate 48000
      period_time 0
      period_size 4096
      buffer_size 12288
    bindings {
        0 0
        1 1

# --auto-generated-- by /etc/kodi/live.d/
AUTOUPDATE=False  # change this to disable updating of this file
pcm.!default {
  type plug;
  slave.pcm "hdmi:CARD=NVidia,DEV=3";
@ziggurat have you tried re-downloading it? Both the repo and the addon installed ok for me on a isengrad nightly
(2015-05-26, 10:16)teeedubb Wrote: @ziggurat have you tried re-downloading it? Both the repo and the addon installed ok for me on a isengrad nightly

Sorry I downloaded downloaded this webpage instead of ?raw=true using wget Tongue
So i ran sound-test -c 6 -t wav to see if sound came out all my speakers with the setup I previously posted, and it it didn't. Below is what I'm using now for my 5.1 system (GT 430), again with no crackles. The sound-test now works on all speakers. It took several days to find the right settings, but I was now able to stream Assassin's Creed Rogue for several hours without any issues. Do not uncomment any lines unless you are having issues or you'll get broken pipes in your sound tests and crackly sound in games.

# --auto-generated-- by /etc/kodi/live.d/
# AUTOUPDATE=True  # change this to disable updating of this file
pcm.!default {
   type plug
   slave.pcm "dmixer"

pcm.dmixer {
   type dmix
   ipc_key 1024
   ipc_key_add_uid false
   ipc_perm 0660
   slave {
      pcm "hw:CARD=NVidia,DEV=9"
      # format S16_LE
      channels 6
      rate 48000
      # period_time 0
      period_size 1088 # 32-2720 / 1088
      # buffer_time 0
      buffer_size 5440 # 64-5440 / 5440
      periods 4

ctl.!default {
   type hw
   card 0
Just wanna check in to say that I have Launcher 4 Kodi on W8.1 launching with the Kodi shell, and Steam Launcher works perfectly if I don't select the "Exit Kodi" option in Configuration. Otherwise exiting launches the Explorer shell and messes with the focus.

Thanks again for this wonderful plugin.

Now if only I could get origin to stop messing up my focus, too!
I think this is the most used addons I have for kodi.

I have another specific request if you have a bit free time.
Would it be possible to start Steam minimised to the system tray (silent mode) after kodi restarts? I ask because, I would like my new games to continue to download after I exit steam.

To avoid any conflicts, I can add a killtask steam Batch script before launching steam from kodi.

I tried adding a post steam batch file to launch Steam agian minimised to tray but the batch file either steals focus from kodi causing it to minimise or it closes steam steam straight away (during the crossover)
My Kodi / HTPC / Gaming / Tech Channel
If I helped in someway, hit the Like button :)
If you "Exit to desktop" from big picture steam will stay running in the background in desktop mode.
Ah! thanks I'll give that a try when I finish work later. I was messing around with batch files for the best part of an hour don't know why I didn't think to try that.

Just a quick question, will the settings you gave me for multiple users be over written if there's an update to the addon?
My Kodi / HTPC / Gaming / Tech Channel
If I helped in someway, hit the Like button :)
yep, youll need to make those changes after each update
I've got a problem with Steam under Kodi. It is displaying in a small window in the middle of the TV with black surrounding. What I see looks like the bottom left of a full 1080p window and the mouse offset is all wrong. I've got Kodi running on an Ubuntu server without a desktop. Any idea how I can force Steam to go fullscreen?
Use a window manager.
(2015-05-31, 06:17)teeedubb Wrote: If you "Exit to desktop" from big picture steam will stay running in the background in desktop mode.

That works perfectly, I'm such an idiot. Thanks Smile
My Kodi / HTPC / Gaming / Tech Channel
If I helped in someway, hit the Like button :)
Thank you for your great work

Please if you don't mind I want to know what the best os will work with your luncher

I'm using openelec and it's working great
Just it's missing the steam

So I have to move to other os
I'm interesting to only kodi + steam big picture

Windows I heard there's issues
KodiUbuntu I think good start
Or another os that will work perfectly with the luncher

Sorry if I'm off topic

Thank you
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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi7
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