2018-10-16, 05:47
@ciax I wasn't replying to you. I'm referring to the addon in general, not Steam Play.
Quote:Add option to add parameters to steam launch command via advanced settings.
Add compatability for kodi v18 linux builds.
Add auto detect $DISPLAY variable in linux.
Fix busy dialog.
Shuffle settings around.
╭─cameron@vagrant ~/.kodi/addons/script.steam.launcher/resources/scripts
╰─➤ bash ./steam-launch.sh "/usr/bin/steam" "/usr/bin/kodi" "0" "false" "false" "false" 2 ↵
./steam-launch.sh: line 8: $'\r': command not found
./steam-launch.sh: line 9: $'\r': command not found
./steam-launch.sh: line 15: syntax error near unexpected token `$'in\r''
'/steam-launch.sh: line 15: `case "$(uname -s)" in
[cameron@vagrant scripts]$ dos2unix steam-launch.sh
dos2unix: converting file steam-launch.sh to Unix format...
15:35:01.445 T:140642864854784 DEBUG: script.steam.launcher: attempting to launch: "/var/lib/vdr/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.steam.launcher/scripts/steam-launch.sh" "/usr/games/steam" "/usr/bin/kodi" "1" "false" "false" "false" ""
15:35:01.445 T:140642864854784 DEBUG: "/var/lib/vdr/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.steam.launcher/scripts/steam-launch.sh" "/usr/games/steam" "/usr/bin/kodi" "1" "false" "false" "false" ""
15:35:01.458 T:140642864854784 DEBUG: script.steam.launcher: busy dialog started
15:35:01.485 T:140644259686400 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window busydialognocancel
15:35:01.486 T:140644259686400 ERROR: Activate/ReplaceWindow called with invalid destination window: busydialognocancel
15:35:16.471 T:140642864854784 DEBUG: script.steam.launcher: busy dialog stopped after: 15 seconds
15:35:16.472 T:140642864854784 INFO: CPythonInvoker(5, /var/lib/vdr/.kodi/addons/script.steam.launcher/default.py): script successfully run
15:35:16.482 T:140644259686400 ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window busydialognocancel
15:35:16.525 T:140642864854784 INFO: Python script stopped
< #Manual script usage: SteamLauncher-AHK.exe "e:\path\to\steam.exe" "d:\path\to\kodi.exe" "0/1" "true/false" "scriptpath/false" "scriptpath/false" "steam parameter
< #$3 = 0 Quit KODI, 1 Minimize KODI. $4 = KODI portable mode. $5 = pre script. $6 post script. $7 steam parameters.
> #Manual script usage: steam-launch.sh "/path/to/steam" "/path/to/kodi" "0/1" "true/false" "scriptpath/false" "scriptpath/false"
> #$3 = 0 Quit Kodi, 1 Minimize Kodi. $4 = Kodi portable mode. $5 = pre script. $6 post script.
< #steam.launcher.script.revision=016
> #steam.launcher.script.revision=015
> export DISPLAY=:1
< export DISPLAY=:1
< open "$1" "$7" steam://open/bigpicture
> open "$1" steam://open/bigpicture
< DP=$(w -hs | awk '{print $3}') && export DISPLAY=$DP
< KODI_BIN=$(ps aux |pgrep 'kodi.bin|kodi-x11|kodi-wayland|kodi-gbm')
< "$5"
> "$5" "$3"
< kill $KODI_BIN
< (sleep 5 ; if [[ $KODI_BIN ]] ; then kill -9 $KODI_BIN ; fi)&
> kill $(pidof kodi.bin)
> (sleep 5 ; if [[ $(pidof kodi.bin) ]] ; then kill -9 $(pidof kodi.bin) ; fi)&
< "$1" "$7" steam://open/bigpicture &
> "$1" steam://open/bigpicture &
< "$1" "$7" -bigpicture &
> "$1" -bigpicture &
< if [[ $KODI_BIN ]] ; then
> if [[ $(pidof kodi.bin) ]] ; then
< kill $KODI_BIN
< (sleep 5 ; if [[ $KODI_BIN ]] ; then kill -9 $KODI_BIN ; fi)&
> kill $(pidof kodi.bin)
> (sleep 5 ; if [[ $(pidof kodi.bin) ]] ; then kill -9 $(pidof kodi.bin) ; fi)&
< if [[ $KODI_BIN ]] ; then
> if [[ $(pidof kodi.bin) ]] ; then
< kill $KODI_BIN
< (sleep 5 ; if [[ $KODI_BIN ]] ; then kill -9 $KODI_BIN ; fi)&
> kill $(pidof kodi.bin)
> (sleep 5 ; if [[ $(pidof kodi.bin) ]] ; then kill -9 $(pidof kodi.bin) ; fi)&
< if [[ $3 != 0 ]] ; then
< echo "3 equal not zero"
< if [[ $KODI_BIN ]] ; then
> if [[ $(pidof kodi.bin) ]] ; then
< echo "2nd 3 equal not zero"
< fi
Quote:the "popup window" appears again[..]
Quote:Remove DISPLAY variable in linux.@ciax please try with this version to see if it resolves the issue.
Added option to select whether to force quit kodi and after how long.
Added option to launch Steam in desktop mode. This relies on detection of the Steam executable and will only reopen Kodi once Steam has exited completely.
Improved detection in Linux of Kodi and Steam windows using additional info from wmctrl. This will prevent false positives.Fixed minimise kodi in linux, which now requires 'xdotool' to be installed for this option to work.
Quote:@ciax please try with this version to see if it resolves the issue.
(2019-01-30, 05:43)teeedubb Wrote: Hi Bedwyr,Thanks for the info. That *could* be it, but I find it odd that browsing the folder structure shows absolutely zero files. Folders only.
Nothing had changed in that portion of the code - it still uses a built in Kodi function to select the executable.
Off the top of my head, maybe the add-on only needs a folder because it assumes that the BB executable will always remain the same, no matter which directory it is in?