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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi
@ciax I wasn't replying to you. I'm referring to the addon in general, not Steam Play.
I tried to copy the steam config files (ciax/.steam) of user "ciax" to the folder of user vdr (vdr/.steam) and then it's possible to start a "windows game" under linux wth steam-launcher. The option in steam-launcher to "participate the beta program" is still greyed out.
So, on principle it's not a problem of the steam-launcher but something with the user, under which steam is running.

Anyway the windows games do not run on my system, unfortunately they crash :o/

Thanks in the meantime,
3.3.0 in first post. You may need to update my repo to have it downloaded automatically.
Quote:Add option to add parameters to steam launch command via advanced settings.
Add compatability for kodi v18 linux builds.
Add auto detect $DISPLAY variable in linux.
Fix busy dialog.
Shuffle settings around.
Running Kodi 18 on Arch Linux.

Was having some issues so tried running the script that starts steam directly from the command line.
Noticed some formatting errors with windows linebreak/carriage returns.

╭─cameron@vagrant ~/.kodi/addons/script.steam.launcher/resources/scripts  
╰─➤  bash ./ "/usr/bin/steam" "/usr/bin/kodi" "0" "false" "false" "false"  2 ↵
./ line 8: $'\r': command not found
./ line 9: $'\r': command not found
./ line 15: syntax error near unexpected token `$'in\r''
'/ line 15: `case "$(uname -s)" in

Fixed by running dos2unix on the sh file


[cameron@vagrant scripts]$ dos2unix 
dos2unix: converting file to Unix format...

Now the script runs but seems like it won't connect to X now, I guess I'm going to have to keep poking around at it.
Logs: xehosohodu (paste)
In your linked log it looks like youre running an older version of the script, have you tried with the latest version? There were some changes in there regarding detecting the display in use.
Hello teedubb,

running steam-launcher with kodi 17.6 (Nov. 2017) under ubuntu linux till yesterday - worked perfect (problem with games and steamplay were there before, cause of vulkan and nvidia driver misconfiguration).

Yesterday there came a popup with steam-launcher to "update scripts" - now steam-launcher does not start anymore. In the kodi debug log i can see:
15:35:01.445 T:140642864854784   DEBUG: script.steam.launcher: attempting to launch: "/var/lib/vdr/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.steam.launcher/scripts/" "/usr/games/steam" "/usr/bin/kodi" "1" "false" "false" "false" ""
15:35:01.445 T:140642864854784   DEBUG: "/var/lib/vdr/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.steam.launcher/scripts/" "/usr/games/steam" "/usr/bin/kodi" "1" "false" "false" "false" ""
15:35:01.458 T:140642864854784   DEBUG: script.steam.launcher: busy dialog started
15:35:01.485 T:140644259686400   ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window busydialognocancel
15:35:01.486 T:140644259686400   ERROR: Activate/ReplaceWindow called with invalid destination window: busydialognocancel
15:35:16.471 T:140642864854784   DEBUG: script.steam.launcher: busy dialog stopped after: 15 seconds
15:35:16.472 T:140642864854784    INFO: CPythonInvoker(5, /var/lib/vdr/.kodi/addons/script.steam.launcher/ script successfully run
15:35:16.482 T:140644259686400   ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window busydialognocancel
15:35:16.525 T:140642864854784    INFO: Python script stopped

Would be nice if it's possible to get me in the right direction, where to debug this problem .. maybe there where some adaptions in the latest release for kodi v18, which do not work anymore with my 17.6 release ..

Thanks, ciax
.. i got it to work again. There was a copy of "" in my archive - i used this one again, the "popup window" appears again and there i decided to "not update the userdata scrips".

I don't know where the problem iis sitting between these two script versions - here's a diff (and i changed the DISPLAY var to 0:1):
< #Manual script usage: SteamLauncher-AHK.exe "e:\path\to\steam.exe" "d:\path\to\kodi.exe" "0/1" "true/false" "scriptpath/false" "scriptpath/false" "steam parameter
< #$3 = 0 Quit KODI, 1 Minimize KODI. $4 = KODI portable mode. $5 = pre script. $6 post script. $7 steam parameters.
> #Manual script usage: "/path/to/steam" "/path/to/kodi" "0/1" "true/false" "scriptpath/false" "scriptpath/false"
> #$3 = 0 Quit Kodi, 1 Minimize Kodi. $4 = Kodi portable mode. $5 = pre script. $6 post script.
< #steam.launcher.script.revision=016
> #steam.launcher.script.revision=015
> export DISPLAY=:1
< export DISPLAY=:1
< open "$1" "$7" steam://open/bigpicture
> open "$1" steam://open/bigpicture
< DP=$(w -hs | awk '{print $3}') && export DISPLAY=$DP
< KODI_BIN=$(ps aux |pgrep 'kodi.bin|kodi-x11|kodi-wayland|kodi-gbm')
<   "$5"
>   "$5" "$3"
<     kill $KODI_BIN
<     (sleep 5 ; if [[ $KODI_BIN ]] ; then kill -9 $KODI_BIN ; fi)&
>     kill $(pidof kodi.bin)
>     (sleep 5 ; if [[ $(pidof kodi.bin) ]] ; then kill -9 $(pidof kodi.bin) ; fi)&
<     "$1" "$7" steam://open/bigpicture &
>     "$1" steam://open/bigpicture &
<   "$1" "$7" -bigpicture &
>   "$1" -bigpicture &
<     if [[ $KODI_BIN ]] ; then
>     if [[ $(pidof kodi.bin) ]] ; then
<       kill $KODI_BIN
<       (sleep 5 ; if [[ $KODI_BIN ]] ; then kill -9 $KODI_BIN ; fi)&
>       kill $(pidof kodi.bin)
>       (sleep 5 ; if [[ $(pidof kodi.bin) ]] ; then kill -9 $(pidof kodi.bin) ; fi)&
< if [[ $KODI_BIN ]] ; then
> if [[ $(pidof kodi.bin) ]] ; then
<     kill $KODI_BIN
<     (sleep 5 ; if [[ $KODI_BIN ]] ; then kill -9 $KODI_BIN ; fi)&
>     kill $(pidof kodi.bin)
>     (sleep 5 ; if [[ $(pidof kodi.bin) ]] ; then kill -9 $(pidof kodi.bin) ; fi)&
<   if [[ $3 != 0 ]] ; then
< echo "3 equal not zero"
<   if [[ $KODI_BIN ]] ; then
>   if [[ $(pidof kodi.bin) ]] ; then
< echo "2nd 3 equal not zero"
<   fi

Quote:the "popup window" appears again[..]

.. this now always, if steam-launcher is started.. :o/
Version 3.4.0 in first post
Quote:Remove DISPLAY variable in linux.
Added option to select whether to force quit kodi and after how long.
Added option to launch Steam in desktop mode. This relies on detection of the Steam executable and will only reopen Kodi once Steam has exited completely.
Improved detection in Linux of Kodi and Steam windows using additional info from wmctrl. This will prevent false positives.Fixed minimise kodi in linux, which now requires 'xdotool' to be installed for this option to work.
@ciax please try with this version to see if it resolves the issue.
Quote:@ciax please try with this version to see if it resolves the issue.

Yes, it's working now :tup
Thank's teeedubb!

I have a question that might help me troubleshoot another addon. I just switched to 18.0 and use the Launchbox "BigBox" addon which is based on the Steam launcher. I'm trying to infer from the other help requests but haven't seen the behavior that's happening. When trying to change the default installation folder for Launchbox, only folders are visible, no files. So I can't select the correct executable and change the default location. This works fine in Steam Launcher, so I was wondering if there was anything that needed changing between 17.6 and 18.0. If there were changes, I might be able to fix this other launcher and pass the information along to the script maintainer.
Hi Bedwyr,

Nothing had changed in that portion of the code - it still uses a built in Kodi function to select the executable.
Off the top of my head, maybe the add-on only needs a folder because it assumes that the BB executable will always remain the same, no matter which directory it is in?

I've just installed Kodi 18.0, and the Steam add-on has ceased to work.

When I launch the add-on the 'wait wheel' appears, rotates for a while, disappears but the Steam GUI is not launched.

It is just me or is a common problem?

What should I check?

(2019-01-30, 05:43)teeedubb Wrote: Hi Bedwyr,

Nothing had changed in that portion of the code - it still uses a built in Kodi function to select the executable.
Off the top of my head, maybe the add-on only needs a folder because it assumes that the BB executable will always remain the same, no matter which directory it is in?
 Thanks for the info. That *could* be it, but I find it odd that browsing the folder structure shows absolutely zero files. Folders only.
Hi, does this addon work with the new(ish) Steam Link package available for Linux? Or is it possible without major modification to get it to work? Trying to figure out what the best way of launching Steam Link from inside Kodi.
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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi7
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