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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi
V0.9.9 pushed to repo which reverts the windows changes in 0.9.8.
Thanks for the update. Everything's working well for me again on Windows (as well as Linux, though I wasn't having a problem there). I haven't mentioned it before, but great add-on! This brings me the closest I've ever been to single, one-stop media center for games, music, videos, and PVR.
(2014-02-16, 18:36)yellowjacket Wrote: Thanks for the update. Everything's working well for me again on Windows (as well as Linux, though I wasn't having a problem there). I haven't mentioned it before, but great add-on! This brings me the closest I've ever been to single, one-stop media center for games, music, videos, and PVR.

Cool. Seems like the cscript command doesnt like being quoted.

(2014-02-15, 11:28)wolfodeiwolfy Wrote: Hi, I've just updated from 0.5.2 to 0.9.8 and it doesn't work. Steam bpm doesn't launch (add-on settings are correct).

The only version that works is 0.5.2 so I reinstall it.
Do you get any errors in xbmc or autohotkey? Youre using windows right? Which exact version and edition, eg x64/x86, home premium/ultimate etc? Anything else that could affect the addon (as it uses external scripts)?Someone else reported the same problem but I'm unable to reproduce it on 2x win7 + 1x win8 x64 home premium installs. If I cant work out the problem is, when I have some time I'll look at adding a option to use a batch file as was the case in v0.5.2.
Maybe a stupid question, but I've installed the addon, but if I start it, nothing happens...

Am I supposed to do anything else beside installing the script?

I'm on Win7, Steam and XBMC are both installed with standard path...
Seems to be a problem with some people, I don't know what's up because I can't reproduce the problem. Can you read and answer the questions in the post above yours. Also can you try v0.5.2, it needs to be configured by editing steam-launch.bat in the add on install directory.
Nevermind, installed your Repo and 0.99 works like a charm. Smile
Whoops, I forgot to update the first post Confused

@wolfodeiwolfy I just noticed you tried v0.9.8 which was broken for windows, do you still have the same problem with v0.9.9
I'm thinking of moving from my HTPC from Openelec to fuller distribution to use steam with this addon.

I've considered dual booting but my HTPC acts as server/sabnzbd/sickbeard etc so its not ideal.

I've got an AMD GPU so I'm thinking of following the ubuntu minimal oss vdpau guide. I'm a bit of linux newbie so I'm not sure what I would need to get steam running on such a minimal installation. Can someone point me in the right direction? I like tinkering but a bit of guidance would be appreciated.

Or would I be better off using something like x/k/lubuntu with XBMC autostarting in its own session?
From memory when installing the steam .deb it installs any dependencies it needs, but steam needs a window manager to run properly and I think that oss how to runs xbmc in its own session with no window manager, so you'll be in the same boat as xbmcbuntu users.

As for which distro its a tricky one - using steam + alsa requires a .asoundrc config file which took me a while to nut out but with pulse audio it works without issue - but xbmc works better with pure alsa (Eg HD audio). A screen compositor is needed to prevent tearing in steam BPM but it could cause problems with xbmc. I run xbmc as its own session via xinit but have my system configured so if a certain file is present it will launch open box + Compton compositor + steam and have added a line to the steam launcher script that creates the required file. When steam is totally exited xbmc restarts in its own session again.

See here for some more info
See here for some old info on how to start xbmc via xinit

But honestly, if you want a 'full' steam experience windows is hands down the way to go.
(2014-02-19, 04:10)teeedubb Wrote: I run xbmc as its own session via xinit but have my system configured so if a certain file is present it will launch open box + Compton compositor + steam and have added a line to the steam launcher script that creates the required file. When steam is totally exited xbmc restarts in its own session again.

Thank you so much for the info teeedubb, thats exactly the setup I'm thinking about. I think I should be able to fumble some kind of system together based on those links. I've got my head around audio in the past trying to get dual audio up and running so the .asoundrc config shouldn't give me too much grief.

One last thing, does your setup work with a controller for BPM?

(2014-02-19, 04:10)teeedubb Wrote: But honestly, if you want a 'full' steam experience windows is hands down the way to go.

I agree 100% with this but XBMC is more important to me than Steam on my HTPC, but some indie games (and eventually emulators) would be nice. I moved to Openelec (and XBMCbuntu before that) because I was having too many niggling problems with XBMC on Windows 7.
Another option is to just use openbox and disable the compositor when xbmc is running, if it gives you problems. Probably easier to setup, especially if you want to run emulators, and one downside of my way is steam/chrome/xbmc take longer to start up due to the session restart+ console text shows up on screen.

Yeah my wireless 360 controller works out of the box with steam (you can configure it in steams settings too). I use the ppa from here to install the xpad driver that ships with steamos, it solves the blinking light issue.

I agree with you on windows, thats the same reason why I gave up on it and dual boot to it only for gaming.

Oh and for sound with alsa you need to enable dmixer. Heres mine, might help you.

# first set oss apps to use dmixer
pcm.dsp {
    type plug
    slave.pcm "dmixer"

pcm.dsp0 {
    type plug
    slave.pcm "dmixer"

# this makes native ALSA apps default to using dmix
pcm.!default {
    type plug
    slave.pcm "dmixer"


ctl.!default {
        type hw
        card 0

pcm.dmixer  {
        type dmix
        ipc_key 101
        slave {
            pcm "hw:0,3"
            period_time 0
            period_size 1024
            buffer_size 4096
            rate 44100
        bindings {
            0 0
            1 1
Thanks again, thats really useful info.

(2014-02-19, 08:14)teeedubb Wrote: Another option is to just use openbox and disable the compositor when xbmc is running, if it gives you problems.

Do you mean run XBMC on top of openbox instead of its own session?

Other than that, I think I've probably taken this off topic now, so I'll start a new thread if I get stuck.
Yeah I think it would be easier for running emulators (I use rom collection browser in solo mode, which closes xbmc)
Sadly I am having some issues where most people seem to be doing just fine.... /sigh

My setup is Win 7 64, with both XBMC & Steam in non-standard directories. I am running v0.9.9 from the repo.

I have configured the addon and set the paths correctly for both addons:

c:\xbmc\XBMC.exe (although XBMC, for some reason, refers to the directory as XBMC (ie - in caps))


I have confirmed that both .exes run from the command line.

What happens to me is that I get the 'Working' message and the twirly circle.... then nothing. XBMC doesn't close, Steam doesn't launch. nothing happens except it trying to work and failing.

I would be more than happy to provide a log or any relevant file path you might want to see that would help, as I would really like to get this working.

Thanks, and sorry for being a PITA.
It seems to happen to some people, but I don't know why because I can't reproduce it. Ive been meaning to add some logging to the add on but haven't got around to it yet. Can you try v0.5.2 and report back? It uses a batch file which seems to help. That version doesn't have any GUI settings, its configured by editing steam-launch.bat in the add on install directory.
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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi7
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