MPEG2 HDTV-videos at 720p running on xbox
hi, i have tested several videos before write this post.
things you need:
an xbox with last version of xbmc, you must disable all postprocessing options , filters off also and put a cache of 8 mb for network can select pixel shader high quality

videoredo plus

canopus procoder 2

womble mpeg video wizard

ok, lets go to the encode, take the ts and generate a mpg using video redo , demux audio and video using womble mpeg.

open canopus prococer 2 and add the video, advanced setting add filters , use deinterlace if needed and croping also if 1920x1088 to remove 8 bottom pixels.
activate force film decode.

ok, in procoder target tab add, and in the profiles look for hd, then mpeg, now modify settings : 23,976 fps, vbr 2 passes 4500 bitrate, no interlaced , mastering quality.

tag convert an go....
wait 16 hours for a whole movie and then use womble to mux the video we have just get with the audio we demuxed at the beggining.

thats all in a resumed way, i hope it works for you

you can download video samples in usenet alt.binaries.hdtv.repost



interesting, i wasn't aware that 720p mpgs would run on xbox! how is the quality, it sounds like it would be a very low bitrate for that resolution (especially for mpeg-2)? i've been using xvid for 720p reencodes using the same as your mpg bitrate (around 4500kbps) which can still look very good.

here's my method if you would like to compare output quality:

1) demux video and audio using projectx

2) create a d2v from the mpeg using dgindex

3) create the following avisynth script:

# load plugins
loadplugin("c:\program files\avisynth 2.5\plugins\dgdecode.dll")
loadplugin("c:\program files\avisynth 2.5\plugins\decomb521.dll")

# source

# decimate

# resize

4) open the .avs in virtualdubmod, add the audio track under stream list then save as avi with the following settings:

xvid mpeg-4 codec
profile: unrestricted
encoding type: single pass
target bitrate: 4525 (it can go higher but this is a pretty good rate for fitting a film on 1 dvd-r)
don't use adaptive quantization, quarter pixel or gmc and also don't use b frames as these increase decoding complexity.

i'm sure there are other optimisations that can increase quality and still play without framedrops but i am happy with the results using these settings so far. if anyone has anything to add that would improve quality i'd be happy to give it a go!
wow, thats a lot of work. i take the hd mpeg file, import it into ffmpegx, select the xvid encoder. i change the res to 1280x720 and the bitrate to either 3mb/s or 3.5mb/s. i leave all other options unchecked and only do a single pass. i encode the audio to mp3 vbr. for an hour show it takes about 3 hours to encode.

i've found that with 29fps shows the bitrate can't be above 3mb/s. for 24fps film/shows the bitrate can be at 3.5mb/s.

the resultant file looks exactly the same to my eye and plays perfectly on xbmc with no dropped frames.

wich config do you have un xbmc?, if a do that with ac3 audio i drop frames.....
haven't tried it with ac3, i convert to mp3 vbr. have you tried lowering the ac3 bitrate?
with mp3 i still drop frames....
any suggestion?
sure if you can answer a few questions.

what is the soure aspect ratio? 1080i, 720p?
frame rate? 24, 29, 60?
codec you're encoding to? mpeg4?
bit rate your selecting?
16:9 , 720p, 1280x720 codec xvid, 1 pass bitrate 3400, all special options deselected.
try using 3000 as the bitrate.
Hey folks,
I'm a newbie and probably have not read enough yet, so I apologize in advance.
I have a "used" modded xbox that I got. Has xbmc on it. All works good.

But can I play 720p files on it? Doesn't seem to. Re your above, how would I get started as a newbie to do this?

Yes you can run 720p encodes on the Xbmc with the DivX 720p profile and maximum bitrate at 4500 kbps. As long as the movies are either 2.4:1 or 2.35:1 you can use the full resolution. If it is 1.85 or 16:9 you just change 1280 to 960 and set the correct display aspect ratio.
I make all my HD encodes for the Xbox this way and I use the mkv container with AC3 sound.
Works like a charm

I can post my DivX settings if you are interessted.
Create HD XviD movies from Transport Streams
@Sven: i registerd to request you to share your settings and used programmes, or if you find the time a walkthrough (noob friendly).
Ive tried some transcoding using virtualdubmod and could get some good results. Ive found that 1280x544 is works nicely, some framedrops during action scenes, but 1280x 528 plays very nice. Below are some settings from Baelog who has been doing a great job at encoding his files xbox xbmc friendly and looks so nice on hd.

Thanks for reading.


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MPEG2 HDTV-videos at 720p running on xbox0
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