2014-02-12, 15:05
(2014-02-12, 14:20)piotrasd Wrote:Code:extrajson.albums = None
Remove "None" as a value for any property, it's not valid. If you want to assign a blank value to a property, just leave the value blank, eg.
extrajson.albums =
(2014-02-12, 14:20)piotrasd Wrote: but i get almost 90% ignored even if i use "C all" with small c also (after delate textures.db also )
(the most strage thing is, even if finish caching once and try one more time then start from 0 - when im use small "c" )
cache.artwork = thumb, fanart, clearlogo, poster, landscape, extrafanart, cast.thumb, characterart
Don't set the cache.artwork property unless you only want to cache the specified artwork types (and ignore everything else). The default value is for it to be blank, which means that all artwork types will be considered for caching.
The reason you're not caching anything is because you've specified only specific artwork types to be cached, and by not including all your artwork types you've excluded artwork types you are now trying to cache. From the logfile:
2014-02-12 12:24:00.862575:MainThread: Ignored [extrathumbs ] for [/media/movies/2 Days in New York (2012)/extrathumbs/thumb4.jpg] as image type not in cache.artwork list
2014-02-12 12:24:00.862846:MainThread: Ignored [extrathumbs ] for [/media/movies/2 Days in New York (2012)/extrathumbs/thumb3.jpg] as image type not in cache.artwork list
2014-02-12 12:24:00.863083:MainThread: Ignored [extrathumbs ] for [/media/movies/2 Days in New York (2012)/extrathumbs/thumb2.jpg] as image type not in cache.artwork list
2014-02-12 12:24:00.863315:MainThread: Ignored [extrathumbs ] for [/media/movies/2 Days in New York (2012)/extrathumbs/thumb1.jpg] as image type not in cache.artwork list
2014-02-12 12:24:00.865421:MainThread: Ignored [discart ] for [http://assets.fanart.tv/fanart/movies/136400/moviedisc/2-guns-52801ae748126.png] as image type not in cache.artwork list
2014-02-12 12:24:00.865901:MainThread: Ignored [clearart ] for [http://assets.fanart.tv/fanart/movies/136400/hdmovieclearart/2-guns-517e7e9f3bdf9.png] as image type not in cache.artwork list
2014-02-12 12:24:00.866320:MainThread: Ignored [banner ] for [http://assets.fanart.tv/fanart/movies/136400/moviebanner/2-guns-52037927b2e5d.jpg] as image type not in cache.artwork list
Likewise with the qa.art.movies - it's only going to QA those artwork types, which probably isn't what you intend. Leave it blank, or better yet, don't specify it at all.
Basically, just set your cfg file to the following and remove the rest:
webserver.port = 80
download.threads = 5
extrajson.movies = trailer, streamdetails, file
cache.castthumb = yes
cache.extra = yes
logfile = /storage/test.log
I've left the extrajson.movies property in there assuming you want that property to be set and know why it's being set. If not, remove that too. I've also removed any property that you were setting with a default value or that isn't a valid property (the qa.file and qa.rating properties are not valid, and are just being ignored).
Enabling "cache.extra" will enable all three of cache.extrathumbs, cache.extrafanart and cache.videoextras.
My advice is to always add nothing to the configuration file unless you know exactly what effect the additional property has. Only set what you need to, and nothing more.