2013-03-08, 16:42
I'm working on a skin which is based on Confluence, I've done a lot of the work however I can't seem to quite work out how to add an icon to home items, for example 'TV Shows' - I would like to add an icon located in media/icons/tv-shows.png/ next to it.
Here is the current code:
Here is the current code:
<item id="11">
<onclick condition="IsEmpty(Skin.String(TVTarget))">ActivateWindow(Videos,TVShowTitles,return)</onclick>
<onclick condition="!IsEmpty(Skin.String(TVTarget))">ActivateWindow(Videos,$INFO[Skin.String(TVTarget)],return)</onclick>
<visible>!Skin.HasSetting(HomeMenuNoTVShowsButton) + Library.HasContent(TVShows)</visible>