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[BETA RELEASE] nbox (Lightbox mod)

Love the skin, tried both on PC and Raspberry pi with touch screen (carpc)

Please forgive me ignorance, I've read entire posts, but does the mouse/touch control have limited support, i can click (touch) some things on both systems (PC / PI with modified xbian with egalax)

I have implemented remote control from carpc radio buttons (BMW IBUS) , but with additional ' touch' would be ideal!

Nevertheless, what a lovely skin, I could/will use as is....despite regularly ending up at a blank home skin?!?!?!

P.S. For the record, this is far more responsive to touch than any of the other 'touch' orientated skins


Great skin so far, will probaly my default for a while. A few requests though:
- Option to remove the white border around artwork would be very appreciated.
- In TV-shows I don't like the display of the release year after every show in list view.
- This might have been covered already but I really miss a panel for artist info in artist view aswell.

Keep it up!
Where can i find the skin settings?
(2013-05-11, 14:19)lowfi Wrote: Where can i find the skin settings?

Apparence > Settings

Although there aren't many settings. As a matter of fact, I think there's only two
Just wanted to say I love this skin and I've been using it as my daily driver for the last couple weeks (coming from xperience1080). Hope to see some more view options in the future, but for now it's a fantastic start. Smile
(2013-05-11, 17:47)deadwolfbones Wrote: Just wanted to say I love this skin and I've been using it as my daily driver for the last couple weeks (coming from xperience1080). Hope to see some more view options in the future, but for now it's a fantastic start. Smile

The development of this skin isn't starting, in fact it's almost done, so don't get too much hopes in the view options area; Niamu has been very clear with that
The skin is perfect but hard to navigate a lot of movies/tv shows in the default viewtype, this is a sample of wall view


for this view i would have to modified the Category Name and Movie title so it would sit a little higher so the view can accomodate 4 lines of posters or eliminate 1 line and let the name and title sit in the original place.

* Later I would design a tvshow view thennnnnn I would start coding/theming !!!
clearArt Concept
cdArt Concept

*If like, thank user
probably a dumb question, but any chance the background could be changed from a blue transparent overlay to maybe black or something?
Hey everyone,

I've noticed that pretty much everyone is just discussing feature requests now and there haven't been many bugs mentioned.

I've fixed the bugs that have been mentioned and I've submitted the skin to the official repo now.

Yes, I'm ignoring most of your feature requests, partially just because I'm tired and want to move on to other projects, but mostly because I disagree with some requests on a style merit. Perhaps sometime in the future I'll add even more features, I just don't want to be burdened by adding more features when it is functionally complete now.

I'm hoping that the skin makes it to official without too many hiccups and then I can revisit some feature requests resting easy.

Thanks everyone for trying out the skin. Smile
Hey niamu, how about this music addons title bug while navigating XBMC offical repo? The same overlapping text in music video addons

Thanks for pointing that out baruchin. Fixed now.
(2013-05-16, 04:31)niamu Wrote: Thanks for pointing that out baruchin. Fixed now.

Great! 40 minutes ago, nbox was available in official XBMC repo, but now is gone. Why is this?
(2013-05-16, 04:35)baruchin Wrote: Great! 40 minutes ago, nbox was available in official XBMC repo, but now is gone. Why is this?

This is news to me! I don't see any reply on the mailing list at the moment, but maybe just a fluke. Could be they found bugs after submitting it and now they're working on a reply to me? I'm not sure. I'll update everyone as I know more.
Whoa! Something changed and I don't quite like it

I was a little bit anxious and couldn't wait any longer for the official repo release, so I downloaded the latest github, and for my surprise the color section changed its behaviour. In the last skin dev repo version, if you changed one of the 8 colors available, every skin color accent changed (typography, selection, etc), but for my surprise, in the latest github version (and think final and official version) if you change the color, only color text change, but not all the other skin accents. Is this the way it's supposed to be or could this be a bug? I really hope is the latter, becuase I don't like that much the default color and I'd always changed to Sun flower yellow color, but the combination of the default color and any other color available looks ugly for my taste.

Here are the screen shots


I did get feedback from ronie last night with the changes that I need to make before it will be accepted as final.

The issues that you're seeing with the image elements not changing with the theme is due to the fact that there are no compiled .xbt texture files available from the git repo. This is why the skin from the development repo does not have this issue as I rely on XBMC to handle the texture packing for me. Rest assured that this will work properly as it does from the development repo when the skin appears in the official repo.
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[BETA RELEASE] nbox (Lightbox mod)4
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