Help No sound with Samsung HDTV
There are 3 HDMI ports on my Samsung 37" TV

HDMI 1 and HDMI 3 are regular HDMI ports and I have tried both of these. HDMI 2 is for DVI and has two analogue RCA inputs next to it.

I have just tried connecting a 3.5mm jack in to the green port on the back of the PC. I then connected the other end of this cable Red/White RCAs in to the DVI audio input on TV, the HDMI cable is from the PC to HDMI 2 / DVI on TV.

In XBMC I have two analogue audio devices I have tried both but not getting any sound out of TV at all with analogue.

Is there anything else to configure to try using analogue audio out of PC instead of HDMI audio?

Here is what devices I see in Alsamixer, do I need to select a different device not listed for analogue audio ?


I am not overly bothered if I have to use the analogue audio output of the PC instead of the HDMI audio output in this room, at this point any working audio would be good LOL.

Just been to my Dads house and stolen his 37" Samsung TV which is a different model to mine. The cloned XBMC PC using HDMI audio out works perfectly with his TV ! So that is now 3 x TV Sets that the cloned XBMC PC works OK with. Pretty conclusive then that the cloning process is not the issue if it can plug and play with 3 other TVs.

So my own Samsung TV for some unknown reason just can't handle HDMI audio from the cloned XBMC PC. But worked fine with HDMI audio from a Windows MCE PC.

I think I need to get the analogue audio output from the cloned XBMC PC working, as a work around. Any help with that would be great.

EDIT; Can also confirm upgrading to XBMC V12.1 makes no difference to the problem.

EDIT2: Problem is certainly with my 37" Samsung TV, I just picked up an Android tablet started playing music on it, plugged in a 3.5mm jack cable to its headphone socket and the other end Red/White RCAs in to the DVI Analogue audio input on TV, guess what no sound from TV. If I press volume up key on remote I can then hear sound for a split second just as before when using with the PC. Something seriously wrong with the TV me thinks!

Thank you.
Could be an EDID then.

What you could do is enable debug logging then try the PC on all the TV's (the unsuccessful + successful) again gathering a debug logs while connected to each one. With Frodo the new AudioEngine enumerates the audio devices at start up so the audio capabilities are the available devices are reported to XBMC, this enumeration information will show up at the start of the log and any so differences that might explain the problem could be looked for, plus any difference in attempting playback can be checked.
(2013-03-20, 17:18)jjd-uk Wrote: Could be an EDID then.

What you could do is enable debug logging then try the PC on all the TV's (the unsuccessful + successful) again gathering a debug logs while connected to each one. With Frodo the new AudioEngine enumerates the audio devices at start up so the audio capabilities are the available devices are reported to XBMC, this enumeration information will show up at the start of the log and any so differences that might explain the problem could be looked for, plus any difference in attempting playback can be checked.

Should be able to get a log file to you OK.

I am first going to bring back in to this bedroom the Windows MCE PC that I was originally using with this Samsung TV, see if that still works OK ?

Its a very strange problem I'm still not 100% sure if the Samsung TV is at fault or something with the Ubuntu / XBMC PC.

Well I plugged in via HDMI cable the original Windows 7 MCE PC that I was using in my bedroom previously and that PC still works OK with the "problem" 37" Samsung TV.

I get sound out of the HDMI cable from the PC and can play music and videos no problems.
I'm increasingly suspecting some sort of EDID handshaking issue.
I may have done this wrong? Are the entries in the XBMC.log persistent when you shutdown the system ?

I turned on debug logging, whilst the cloned XBMC PC was connected to Samsung TV in the bedroom, I played the first track of an album called "Through the Devil Softly" by "Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions" stopped and started playing the movie "Skyfall". Of course no sound could be heard.

I then shutdown the PC and took it downstairs and connected to the 42" LG TV, I turned on and started playing first track of an album called "Bon Iver" by ''Bon Iver". I could hear sound OK from LG TV speakers. I then stopped music and started the movie "12 Monkeys". Shutdown PC.

Brought PC back upstairs and turned on again to get the log file.

Ok, 1st some caveats

I'm a Windows man & logs from Linux systems are a bit different
I'm not a dev and not an expert in log reading anyway

From what I see there are 2 HDMI listed, the 1st is simply "HDMI" and the 2nd is "SAM SAMSUNG on HDMI"

I would expect "SAM SAMSUNG on HDMI" to be the correct one.

Unfortunately I don't see any files being played in that log so I can't see what device it's attempting to use. Note - A new log file is created each time you start XBMC and log from previous usage is moved to "xbmc.old.log "

So what options do you see that can be selected in the GUI? and what one do you have chosen?
Yes SAM Samsung is the correct output device, if its connected to LG TV downstairs that audio output device changes to have LG in its name etc. I'll do the debug Log again and do two this time one for each TV.

Settings are just set to Analogue, 2.0 and the correct HDMI output device.


Please see this log file for the cloned XBMC PC connected to the problematic Samsung TV.

I played the music track Paperback Writer from the Beatles #1 album and started playback of the movie 2001 Space Odyssey.

Will move and connect to LG TV downstairs and do another log file.

Thank you.


Log file for the cloned XBMC PC connected to the working LG TV.

I played the track Drive from the album REM Automatic for the People and started the movie 2010

Many thanks!
Ok I've had a look at the logs.

1st of all your LG reports it can do 5.1 & AC3 and the Samsung 2.0 & LPCM only, so can you post a screenshot of your Audio settings so I can verify them.

I can't see any reason why music wouldn't work,the major difference I see surround the video playback with some "GENERAL_SYNCHRONIZE" and "GENERAL_RESYNC" messages in the log for connected to Samsung TV that I wouldn't normally expect, and the log for the connected to LG TV does not have.

I suspect this could be one smoking gun.

I have no real idea what these mean, but I'd start off by checking the "Video -> Playback" settings

Do you have any of the "Adjust display refresh rate to match video" or "Sync playback to display" settings enabled?

Thanks for taking the time to look at the log files!

The cloned XBMC PC is still currently connected to the LG TV downstairs however please see the screen shots below:





Ok I don't see any issues there.

I'm afraid I'm out of ideas for the moment.

I could move this thread into the Linux forum if you wish to see if there's greater response from the Linux guys.
(2013-03-21, 15:21)jjd-uk Wrote: Ok I don't see any issues there.

I'm afraid I'm out of ideas for the moment.

I could move this thread into the Linux forum if you wish to see if there's greater response from the Linux guys.

Yeah sure if you think that might help.

If I can't get the audio working via HDMI with the Samsung TV ?

As a work around maybe I can use the analogue audio out of the PC instead, I did try connecting a 3.5 mm jack to back of PC but got no sound either.

Wasn't sure if I needed to do anything other than set in XBMC the audio output device to be the analogue one.

Ok, I've moved the thread & hopefully you'll have more luck in getting this fixed.

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