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Release script.extendedinfo
moviedbbrowser fixed.   Looks like at some point it was to use a select dialog but obviously wrong for the virtual keyboard.

Beta 2 fixes this and will migrate an existing LanguageID setting from 6.0.7 to the new 6.0.9 format. 


scott s.
Working like a charm, thank you @scott967 !
(2024-09-17, 03:27)scott967 Wrote: moviedbbrowser fixed.   Looks like at some point it was to use a select dialog but obviously wrong for the virtual keyboard.

Beta 2 fixes this and will migrate an existing LanguageID setting from 6.0.7 to the new 6.0.9 format. 


scott s.

I can also confirm that your new update works.

Could you please correct the default skin in the addon?

for example:
<texture background="true" fallback="DefaultVideo.png">$INFO[ListItem.Thumb]</texture>
<texture background="true" fallback="DefaultVideo.png">$INFO[ListItem.Art(poster)]</texture>
can be removed:
                            <control type="radiobutton" id="100">
                                <texturefocus border="40" colordiffuse="$INFO[Window(home).Property(ImageColor)]">buttons/button-fo.png</texturefocus>
                                <texturenofocus border="40" colordiffuse="$INFO[Window(home).Property(ImageColor)]">buttons/button-nofo.png</texturenofocus>
                                <label>$ADDON[script.extendedinfo 32132]</label>
                                <visible>System.HasAddon(script.videoextras) + String.IsEmpty(Window(movieinformation).Property(HideVideoExtrasButton))</visible>
                                <textureradioonfocus colordiffuse="FFFAFAFA">icons/plus2.png</textureradioonfocus>
                                <textureradioofffocus colordiffuse="FFFAFAFA">icons/plus2.png</textureradioofffocus>
                                <textureradiooffnofocus colordiffuse="FF999999">icons/plus2.png</textureradiooffnofocus>
                                <textureradioonnofocus colordiffuse="FF999999">icons/plus2.png</textureradioonnofocus>
Will play around with the default skin. 

scott s.
(2024-09-20, 21:17)scott967 Wrote: Will play around with the default skin. 

scott s.

(2024-09-19, 02:50)Fuchs2468 Wrote: Could you please correct the default skin in the addon?

for example:

Don't see any error
(2024-09-19, 02:50)Fuchs2468 Wrote: old:
<texture background="true" fallback="DefaultVideo.png">$INFO[ListItem.Thumb]</texture>
<texture background="true" fallback="DefaultVideo.png">$INFO[ListItem.Art(poster)]</texture>

Changed to ListItem.Art(thumb) as I have to go through all the code and see where artwork is set as thumb vs poster. Not a trivial task.
(2024-09-19, 02:50)Fuchs2468 Wrote: can be removed:
                            <control type="radiobutton" id="100">
                                <texturefocus border="40" colordiffuse="$INFO[Window(home).Property(ImageColor)]">buttons/button-fo.png</texturefocus>
                                <texturenofocus border="40" colordiffuse="$INFO[Window(home).Property(ImageColor)]">buttons/button-nofo.png</texturenofocus>
                                <label>$ADDON[script.extendedinfo 32132]</label>
                                <visible>System.HasAddon(script.videoextras) + String.IsEmpty(Window(movieinformation).Property(HideVideoExtrasButton))</visible>
                                <textureradioonfocus colordiffuse="FFFAFAFA">icons/plus2.png</textureradioonfocus>
                                <textureradioofffocus colordiffuse="FFFAFAFA">icons/plus2.png</textureradioofffocus>
                                <textureradiooffnofocus colordiffuse="FF999999">icons/plus2.png</textureradiooffnofocus>
                                <textureradioonnofocus colordiffuse="FF999999">icons/plus2.png</textureradioonnofocus>

 true for Omega, but this addon is available for Matrix +. Not sure of a good way to just test for Omega/Piers in a visibility condition.

Meanwhile, I found what looks like some logic error / design issue in how episodes are handled, but that I will push out to the future as it will take some work to figure out how best to handle.

scott s.
(2024-09-22, 05:23)scott967 Wrote: I have to go through all the code and see where artwork is set as thumb vs poster. Not a trivial task.

The error is that no posters are displayed for movies that are in the database, but preview images are displayed as posters.

The problem can be solved relatively quickly.
You just have to search for "<texture>flags/local.png</texture>" in script-script.extendedinfo-DialogInfo.xml, script-script.extendedinfo-DialogVideoInfo.xml, script-script.extendedinfo-VideoList.xml and then replace "ListItem.Thumb" with "ListItem.Art(poster)".
There are 16 changes in total.

Here are my modified skin files.



OK will check that out.  Thought the issue was the overlay texture.  Meanwhile I have a few other fixes in beta 4.

scott s.
(2024-09-24, 04:18)scott967 Wrote: I have a few other fixes in beta 4.
Great job, the plug-in comes to life again!:-)
Is there any chance to re-launch the "Use as thumbnail/fanart" function?
---> https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid3208703
OK I have a slightly different fix for the posters.  I don't want to use posters for tmdb items as they are a bit bigger than the thumbs, meaning putting more load on the tmdb servers and there is always the risk of getting our api key revoked if we are pulling too much data.

For the add art.  Never looked at the code.  So I found it now but have to learn what is doing.  But I see some comments on code by original developer that he did a "hack" of calling the art items "music" and my assumption right now is that has to do with the context menu.  I know Kodi core code has made changes lately in Piers and I think backported to Omega for context menus so I will probably look at some older Kodi releases  and see if it broke at some point and go from there.  Don't know if I can get there for this ver of the addon (or if it is even possible any more) so can't promise anything.

scott s.
(2024-09-25, 21:39)scott967 Wrote: OK I have a slightly different fix for the posters.  I don't want to use posters for tmdb items as they are a bit bigger than the thumbs, meaning putting more load on the tmdb servers and there is always the risk of getting our api key revoked if we are pulling too much data.

I downloaded the skin file from version 6.0.9-beta.5.
I now get a correct display with the correct images.

I found another error: if "Use classic keyboard for search" is activated in the settings, the search does not work.
I have to switch from T9 search to "classic key" and then the search works with "classic keyboard".
The full beta 5 is now up at

This includes using local poster art instead of thumbs, and a fix for the missing context menu on the tmdb posters and fanart that allows choosing / using them for your local art.

Will investigate the classic keyboard issue.

scott s.
The classic keyboard issue is fixed in a commit on the 6.0.8/6.0.9 branches.  Will be included in beta 6

scott s.
(2024-09-26, 03:33)scott967 Wrote: The full beta 5 is now up at
Thanks a lot for your work.
Adding graphics to local library works again (!!!), search fix in beta.6 also.
This is great news ! Blush
I noticed by the way that the "Unstar" button in the dialog video info doesn't work.
Beta 6 is up

fix for classic keyboard and tmdb favorite not set / cleared properly

scott s.
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