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Release script.extendedinfo
ExtendedInfo Script is alive again, so it's also worth reviving the "ExtendedInfo - Open dialog info" add-on for Kodi's context menu.
I tried to do it - I hope I succeeded.
Needs script.extendedinfo installed and activated. Available for movies, tv shows, seasons, episodes and persons (actors, directors).

Download here:
script.extendedinfo 6.0.9 has been submitted to Kodi repo.scripts as PR#2651

scott s.
It's almost perfect now. Thx @scott967 !Blush
I ran today some tests - issues noted (and sugestions):
1. for movies in section "Releases" country flags only display in the range "a" to "l"; for the range "m" to "z" they are invisible - this only applies to movies (not TV shows!) on Kodi Omega, while Nexus displays all flags correctly;
- while in the case of TV shows (country flags correct), clicking on the country flag does not take us to the list of shows with the corresponding certificate (for movies it works correctly);
2. it is not possible to do anything with the TV shows in the custom user lists (the script displays "The resource you requested could not be found" or "Could not get TMDB information" or "Entry not found...";
this is probably a direct result of the script's inability to create custom user lists for TV shows and to add shows to existing custom user lists;
3. lack of ability to manage the TMDB "Watchlist" by script (for both: movies and TV shows) - it would be worth adding this feature;
4. there is no way to use/add season posters as graphics in the Kodi library - it would be worth adding this feature (for movies and TV shows this already works perfectly);
5. last but not least: is there an additional possibility to show graphics (posters) in the "source language" for the movie/TV show?
i.e. I would like to see the posters in at least four versions: "user language" / "english language" / "source language (language of the movie production country)". / "no language";
would it be possible to do this?
script.extendedinfo 6.0.9 was merged into the official repo and should update / auto-update based on Kodi settings.

Also available as a release here:

Thanks to all who provided input and tested during beta.  @voot I will look into your suggestions for next release.  I'm also considering TVDB but the free account is rate limited so not sure how that will go.

scott s.
(2024-10-11, 22:00)scott967 Wrote: script.extendedinfo 6.0.9 was merged into the official repo

First of all, thank you very much.
Your work is great.

I also have a suggestion for your next release.
Could you please remove the label "$INFO[Window.Property(AlsoKnownAs)" from the "script-script.extendedinfo-DialogInfo.xml".
Firstly, it is never displayed in full, can be very, very long and secondly, it can only be displayed correctly if a font such as "Arial Unicode MS" is used.

I'm asking for a "simple" (I know exactly what I just said) for the error I'm having - see the log file.
This topic is 155 pages long and I tried to get through it dealing with the version I am using, but it's mind boggling, so I'm asking;

I am using V17.3 - loads as 17.4 and have had an error for 2-3 years, it's taken me this long.....

I uninstalled yahoo and it'[s attended dl app/plug, sorry my mind doesn't work as well as it used to.

I keep using V17.x, as it does what I want it to and unless I can upgrade over it, keeping ALL my settings, i just don't have that kind of patience anymore.

Here is the log file https://paste.kodi.tv/ewawowizaw.kodi. Hopefully it's what is needed.
Core 2/Duo 3.3g, 8Gb Memory, Win7/x32, Remote Wonder stuffed into a Antec Theatre Case.
SageTV, Kodi.
(2024-11-14, 21:28)RBraverman Wrote: I'm asking for a "simple" (I know exactly what I just said) for the error I'm having - see the log file.

based on the log alone, it "appears" that script.extendedinfo attempted to search TMDB
based on the error it looks like whatever it searched for did not return any results and the addon does not have a handler for that issue

as far as what it tried to search for or why it returned no results the log doesn't show

try producing a debug log as it might have the missing information

The instructions are here... Debug Log

for users actually using the updated code you can prevent this error with a simple check

make an adjustment after this if statement https://github.com/scott967/script.exten...B.py#L1247

if not 'results' in response:
    return None

or any other handling you feel is appropriate
According to the wiki, this is the log Kodi produced.
I re-read it 3 times, what did I miss?
To return the error code is not really what I'd like - for it to work would be dandy.
Core 2/Duo 3.3g, 8Gb Memory, Win7/x32, Remote Wonder stuffed into a Antec Theatre Case.
SageTV, Kodi.
(2024-11-14, 23:34)RBraverman Wrote: I re-read it 3 times, what did I miss?
Quote:Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.

DEBUG information is disabled in your log

see step 1 from the Easy method - https://kodi.wiki/view/Log_file/Easy


(2024-11-14, 23:34)RBraverman Wrote: To return the error code is not really what I'd like - for it to work would be dandy.

without knowing what it is or why it happened there is little hope for a fix, there is already little hope unless you're going to update your copy of the addon
- because the updated addon will not run on kodi v17
(2024-11-14, 23:46)izprtxqkft Wrote:
(2024-11-14, 23:34)RBraverman Wrote: I re-read it 3 times, what did I miss?
Quote:Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.

DEBUG information is disabled in your log

see step 1 from the Easy method - https://kodi.wiki/view/Log_file/Easy

(2024-11-14, 23:34)RBraverman Wrote: To return the error code is not really what I'd like - for it to work would be dandy.

without knowing what it is or why it happened there is little hope for a fix, there is already little hope unless you're going to update your copy of the addon
- because the updated addon will not run on kodi v17

The error is "Could not find content type" and as I DO have debug mode open/running, (although the log doesn't seem to be correct) I guess we'll leave it.
As you stated: - that there is little hope unless I update, and after 3+ years of it not working, it's not worth it for me.

BUT, I DO want to thank you very much for taking the time to answer my question - it is GREATLY appreciated!
Core 2/Duo 3.3g, 8Gb Memory, Win7/x32, Remote Wonder stuffed into a Antec Theatre Case.
SageTV, Kodi.

I'm in a bit of a hurry right now and not much time to read, but quick question:
Do you talk about and need this add-on on Kodi 17?

If yes: I talked with @scott967 some month ago about releasing an update to keep the legacy Kodi 17 version working but did not put anything online yet.
I could have a look if there is still need.

Personally i already use the fixed Kodi 17 add-on version which i could share.
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I'm in a bit of a hurry too ...

That would be DANDY, as long as I would not be stepping on anyone's toes!

It's one of those things ya know,  where I tap it a coupla times KODI's running, and when it errors, it just frustrates the h**l outta me. :-)
Core 2/Duo 3.3g, 8Gb Memory, Win7/x32, Remote Wonder stuffed into a Antec Theatre Case.
SageTV, Kodi.

I'll let you know about any progress.
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Thank you, will wait with baited breath (marshmallows).
Core 2/Duo 3.3g, 8Gb Memory, Win7/x32, Remote Wonder stuffed into a Antec Theatre Case.
SageTV, Kodi.
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