Frodo on Omap Pandaboard.. Anyone?
Hi Guys,

I am searching for a way to get Frodo 12.0 or 12.1 running on the padaboard. I tried
  • Android: there is no zeroconf, so no chance to get airplay running
  • Ubuntu: I tried several linaro ubunto builds, latest I got running stable was 12.9. Ubuntu itself supports 11.0 only. To get airplay running properly, I would require 12.0 or even 12.1. Adding the Frodo ppas, I could not resolve dependencies, looks like the Frodo ppa's do not offer binaries compiled for armhf
Can anyone help me? There might be a ppa around somewhere to get it running.. or any other advice?

#2 probably has a build for the Pandaboard.
That's XBMC 11 only.. I tried, but airplay is not working properly. I am currently working on a high quality DAC to get good audio quality, so I need the 12 or 12.1.
They have test builds:

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