Hi all.

I am in the process of trying to create a Live USB stick however I have a question that I cannot answer myself that I need some assistance with if possible please. The instructions on the Create page indicate:

To create a USB installation disk, you will need:

A 2 GB USB flash drive. Files on this USB disk will be erased, so previously backup your documents. Make sure this USB disk is properly formatted and mounted.
An XBMCbuntu ISO file see XBMC Download to download it.
An Ubuntu image file see Supported Linux distributions to download it)

The instructions go onto to detail how to load the ISO file using the different steps when using differing OS, and I assue the ISO file the create page refers to when using USBCreator etc is the XBMCbuntu file but however I cannot see were it talks about the Ubuntu image file. Why is this file needed and where or how is it used. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


don't know which instructions you are referring to, but its either xbmcbuntu or ubuntu. You don't need both.
I do, I did that page Create_and_install_from/to_a_bootable_USB_flash_drive#Prerequisites (wiki), it refers to creating usb from isos, it matters little what iso you use You can use XBMCbuntu which provides XBMC with a Linux OS or Install Ubuntu and then XBMC on top.Ill add stuff to the Ubuntu part the Ubuntu part since obviously its too complicated to understand its either or, not both.

Hi wsnipex. Thanks for the reply. The instructions I am referring to are on the "Create and install from/to a bootable USB flash drive" page on xbmc.org site; which state

" 3 Prerequisites

To create a USB installation disk, you will need:

A 2 GB USB flash drive. Files on this USB disk will be erased, so previously backup your documents. Make sure this USB disk is properly formatted and mounted.
An XBMCbuntu ISO file see XBMC Download to download it.
An Ubuntu image file see Supported Linux distributions to download it) ".

That said, more than happy with your answer. Will go with the xbmcbuntu iso. Thanks!
Yes please read my reply I have updated the page to clarify this. The how to is for creating a flash drive from a iso what iso you use is up to you, xbmbuntu is a modified ubuntu os taht provides xbmc while ubuntu you need to install xbmc ontop.

The wiki tries to cover both scenarios, however you have to choose one or the other not both.

If the wiki is still confusing please let me know what your feedback is so it can be improved. Keep in mind however is not about configuring Ubuntu + xbmc its about creating a bootable flash drive from isos and more emphasis on XBMCbuntu since it is the offical default iso that Team XBMC provides.


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