Win XBMC Frodo 12.1 with TMT5 or TMT6 issue

I use a ION 2 based platform for my HTPC. I have the latest drivers for the platform installed.

To watch blue ray isos i use a script i found in this forum to mount the iso and autostart TMT5 or TMT6. It doesn't matter which TMT i start, the issue is the same.
With some movies TMT isn't working. Sometimes i get a still menu or sometimes the movie doesn't start and TMT stops working so i have to kill TMT.
But always the menu stutters but most of the time the movie, after starting is playing fine. So i guess the blue ray menu is the problem.

If i start TMT without XBMC in background the movies are playing fine no menu stutter and all of the movies i have issues with XBMC in background are working without
any issues. Any clue why XBMC causes which behavior? Any ideas how to solve?

In the playercorefactory.xml i use the switch "hide xbmc" and "hide console" to bring XBMC in background after launching the script.
12.1 has problem with external player especially in sound. Revert back to 12 for now if you encountered problem or wait for later fixes.
(2013-04-01, 23:22)_Andy_ Wrote: If i start TMT without XBMC in background the movies are playing fine no menu stutter and all of the movies i have issues with XBMC in background are working without
any issues. Any clue why XBMC causes which behavior? Any ideas how to solve?
Atom might be your bottle neck, because it is under power to handle both TMT&Frodo. It reminded me of my E350 HTPC.....
>Alienware X51- do it all HTPC
>Simplify XBMC configurations
>HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC
I refused to watch movie without bitstreaming HD audio!

Both of you are right. The Atom is to slow and Frodo 12.1 causes the issue with the black screen.
I installed Frodo 12.0 and the movies are playing fine now.
I tried on my second HTPC with an AMD Phenom II X6 and it's working for now.

Thank you both.

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