Android How to Add Touched Skin into Frodo 12.1
Hi all,
I have ever tried XBMC for Android version 12.0 (Frodo) before.
Inside the APK package, there was a Touched Skin.
I found it very comfortable with this skin instead of the default Confluence skin for my 4.7" Android Phone.
Any way, I could not find this Touched Skin anymore on the newest 12.1 version.
It is very very difficult to navigate the menu with the Confluence skin.
Some menu is not properly placed. When I touched some where, it execute another.
So, I tried to use the old Touched Skin but failed.
I am new in Android system. I could not find where should I place the skin folder.
My Android phone is rooted, and I use Root Browser to search.
I just found the .APK file in the DATA\APP.
I am not sure whether I could inserted the old skin into the new APK file.
But I think the installer could not recoqnise the addition of skin.
So, I do not tried this method.
Then, I tried to use the XBMC to add the skin. I compressed the old Touched Skin as ZIP file and load it via the Add-On.
But the XBMC said "Dependencies Not Met".

Could anybody here kindly help me please? Thanks alot.

Comment: for Android Phone, the default skin should not Confluence, but Touched. Even for 4.7" display size, it is absolute difficult to navigate the small menu. Except for Table size, the default skin might be good.

I just followed the instruction from this link:

and installed the re-Touched skin. It is better but still small GUI for my 4.7" phone.
I could not find the Touched Skin (I only saw the re-Touched).
Tried the XeeBo Skin, still frustating....

I am wondering whether it is normal that the XBMC sometime not touch sensitive....
I have to touch several times before it really executes the command.

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How to Add Touched Skin into Frodo 12.10
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