Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Release Video-Addon (dutch)
Hello folks,

I made a video addon for the dutch hardware site Hardware.Info (


It's available as a video addon in the official kodi repo. So you can install it as a video addon:

If you got problems with the addon, just reply here with a link to a kodi log file (here are the instructions to make a logfile with kodi: ).


v1.0.8 (2018-01-20)
- addon now works in kode python 2 and should also work in python 3 (!!) once all dependencies work in python 3.
Kudo's to the python future package for making this possible. Kudo's to RomanVM for the help.

v1.0.7 (2017-07-12)
- added listitem.setInfo video for Kodi 18 and up
- added sorting
- added context item episode info
- using requests

v1.0.6 (2017-03-12) :
- changed addon debugging info to kodi debugging info
- using po-files
- fixed url in addon.xml as per request
- changed text from xbmc to kodi

v1.0.5 (2016-03-12) :
- changed the listing and playing of videos
- the contextual menu item 'Play from here' is available now, it queues all the videos in the list from a certain point
- updated to latest requirements for a Kodi-addon
- added fanart-blurred
- added 'refresh' in contextual menu

v1.0.4 (2015-08-15) :
- updated youtube dependency version
- added some utf8 stuff

v1.0.3 (2014-09-06) :
- fixed GNU licence
- added youtube as dependency

v1.0.2 (2013-07-03) :
- using different page to get the video items
- removed the 'losse items' category
- the plugin now starts by displaying the available video's
- using hi res thumbnails
- using hi res background
- using different icon
- added beautiful soup as dependency
- added dutch strings

v1.0.1 (2013-04-10) :
- added optional fields addon.xml

v1.0.0 (2013-04-10) :
- initial version
v1.0.1 (Friday, 10 May 2013) :
- added optional fields addon.xml
Cool thanx
v1.0.2 (Wednesday, 3 July 2013) :
- using different page to get the video items
- removed the 'losse items' category
- the plugin now starts by displaying the available video's
- using hi res thumbnails
- using hi res background
- using different icon
- added beautiful soup as dependency
- added dutch strings
v1.0.3 (Saturday, 6 september 2014):
- fixed GNU licence
- added youtube as dependency
v1.0.4 (Saturday, 15 august 2015) :
- updated youtube dependency version
- added some utf8 stuff
v1.0.5 (2016-03-12) :
- changed the listing and playing of videos
- the contextual menu item 'Play from here' is available now, it queues all the videos in the list from a certain point
- updated to latest requirements for a Kodi-addon
- added fanart-blurred
- added 'refresh' in contextual menu
v1.0.6 (2017-03-12) :
- changed addon debugging info to kodi debugging info
- using po-files
- fixed url in addon.xml as per request
- changed text from xbmc to kodi
v1.0.7 (2017-07-12)
- added listitem.setInfo video for Kodi 18 and up
- added sorting
- added context item episode info
- using requests
v1.0.8 (2018-01-20)
- addon now works in kode python 2 and should also work in python 3 (!!) once all dependencies work in python 3.
Kudo's to the python future package for making this possible. Kudo's to RomanVM for the help.

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