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Release Janitor
Quote:You're welcome. I'm glad you're enjoying it! That's actually a pretty useful feature. I don't know why I never thought of that before. I'll write it down. I'm not actively developing new features, but this is one that would be among the first when I'm adding new things.
No worries, thank you for the reply. I just hope janitor will continue to work in Nexus!
"No worries, thank you for the reply. I just hope janitor will continue to work in Nexus!"

Not sure if it works, but it will not install.
if it will not install, it doesnt work. seems logical wouldnt you say?
If you can provide me with a debug log file I might be able to help figure out what's preventing the install.
(2023-02-19, 13:32)Anthirian Wrote: If you can provide me with a debug log file I might be able to help figure out what's preventing the install.
its likely a single instance since theres no log or follow up.

it installs and runs fine for me - Kodi (20.0 (20.0.0) Git:20230116-ec5b71680e). Platform: Linux x86 64-bit
Thanks for confirming. I didn't face any issues on my end either.
Would there be a way of only deleting a series if all of the episodes have been watched?
Workiing great on Nexus
Hi there,
Quick question: are the exclusions working for subfolders on a specific directory? E.g. i specified \var\media\Evergreen Movies but i keeps deleting movies in the subfolders. Thank you
I moved some files around on my Synology and added quite  few movies and series to attached USB drives. Janitor does not seem to work anymore. I get these message in the log:

2023-12-17 16:31:35.924 T:22180   debug <general>: Janitor: Attempting to delete nfs:// (2019)/movie.mkv
2023-12-17 16:31:35.926 T:22180   error <general>: Delete - Error( unlink call failed with "NFS: REMOVE of /movie (2019)/movie.mkv failed with NFS3ERR_ACCES(-13)" )
2023-12-17 16:31:35.927 T:22180   error <general>: Delete - Error deleting file nfs:// (2019)/movie.mkv
2023-12-17 16:31:35.928 T:22180 warning <general>: Janitor: Errors occurred during file deletion
2023-12-17 16:31:35.929 T:22180   debug <general>: Janitor: Hard link checks are disabled.
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