Ok so perhaps that doesn't fix it.
I have 2 routers, 1 up and 1 downstairs. the 1 downstairs is turned off sometimes and thererfore i don't have internet connection upstairs any more. I CAN NOT CHANGE THIS. The router upstairs is connected to the 1 downstairs via powerline adapters (basically a ethernet cable) everything works fine.
my NAS ip is static and set to
DESCRIPTION='A basic static ethernet connection using iproute'
#ROUTES=(' via')
## For IPv6 autoconfiguration
## For IPv6 static address configuration
#ADDR6=('1234:5678:9abc:def::1/64' '1234:3456::123/96')
Even when the nas is DHCP it still doesn't work though
my PC ip is dynamic/static it doesn't matter
My gk802 android is dynamic/static it doesn't matter
My PC can connect and play back media from my NAS with and without a internet connection via XBMC on windows.
My GK802 can connect and playback media from my NAS with a internet connection but if i have no internet connection (even if i have my ip,gateway,dns all set) it will not work.
to clarify, if i have no internet connection but still have all the network set up and ip address, gateway, dns etc SAMBA won't connect, MySQL still will though. so WTF! is going on? only on Android, Windows if fine regardless of my internet state.
As soon as i turn the internet connection back on the GK802 works, it doesn't even need XBMC to reload or reboot the device, it just works. As soon as i turn off the internet connection it stops working, no reboot or xbmc restart is needed it just stops working.
However this bit confuses me, I can still connect from my GK802 to my PC shares when i have no internet connection... So surely its a issue with my nas? hence why i posted it in my NAS support forum.y PC shares when i have no internet connection... So surely its a issue with my nas? but wat?