Win Frodo 12.2 external player

I still have this issue with the sound and external players. It's the same bug in Frodo 12.1. Frodo 12.0 is working fine.
I can't execute an external player in Frodo 12.1 and 12.2. You can hear a looping snapping sound in the background while the external player starts.

The external player can't access the soundcard and so no sound.

It need to be fixed please. I like to use Frodo 12.2 but i need an external player also. I use TMT6 for 3D movies.

Can anybody confirm this?
If you turn off the GUI sounds, I believe this will not be an issue. I was encountering the same thing when I was troubleshooting bitstreaming. Apparently it's low on the list of priorities so either stick with 12.0 or turn off XBMC's GUI sounds
Turning off GUI sounds fixes it, but it only fixes the repeating noise, it doesn't pass through properly, i.e. you only get DTS 'core', not the proper DTS-HD.
Moved to Windows support forum
Anyone know if this has been fixed in 12.3?
(2014-01-17, 05:02)blaher Wrote: Anyone know if this has been fixed in 12.3?

Nope still the same problem with 12.3.

All sound formats play well with PAPlayer, but with external MPC-HC, only regular DTS. Without xbmc open, MPC-HC functions as intended.
(2014-01-20, 11:02)Unlife Wrote:
(2014-01-17, 05:02)blaher Wrote: Anyone know if this has been fixed in 12.3?

Nope still the same problem with 12.3.

All sound formats play well with PAPlayer, but with external MPC-HC, only regular DTS. Without xbmc open, MPC-HC functions as intended.

That's disappointing, but thanks for your info.
I won't bother wasting my time with 12.3, and stick with the working 12.0.
I'm also getting this problem, I think its whats causing my 3D Blu-Rays to stutter so much when playing via External Player, as it dosen't do it when i load it without XMBC.

Where am i able to find older versions? I can only seem to see nightly and monthly builds on the download page?
(2014-01-25, 00:52)olli460 Wrote: Where am i able to find older versions? I can only seem to see nightly and monthly builds on the download page?

Old versions can be found here.
Has this issue been addressed for the upcoming Gotham release?

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