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Win Advanced MCE Remote Mapper Tool
(2013-06-12, 14:38)baijuxavior Wrote: I am still not clear what your problem is. If my understanding is correct, when you press button '2', you are getting '2' which is normal. But when you press '1' you get '&' instead of '1'. Am I right?
You're right, it's exactly my problem.

Quote:You can try 'Load Original MCE' and 'Apply to Registry'
Do... but this reinit my setup. I have to remap all.

Quote:Then configure the other buttons.
Yes, but that don't help me becaue how can I set "& ? Loading Original MCE don't change...

Quote:Ampersand is not listed in the scancode table. Refer the wiki.
Ok so what can I do ?
Your problem is very weird. Open notepad and press button '1' and see if it displays '&' or '1'. May be uninstalling the drivers can help.
I'have tried what you said : when I open Notepad, I press button '1' and it display '&'

What is displayed on my screen :
Button 1 : &
Button 2 : é
Button 3 : "
Button 4 : '
Button 5 : (
Button 6 : -
Button 7 : è
Button 8 : _
Button 9 : ç
Button 0 : à

Which drivers may be unistalled ?
This is very interesting. Uninstall the mce driver (ehome device driver) from device manager. If possible try the remote control on another computer.
This is great Smile

What would be even more brilliant is if you could do a partner app for producing XBMC keyboard.xml files.

An example of where this would be useful is where you want a key to do different things depending on XBMC context, for example:

Menu button on remote to mapped to "M" using your existing app.

Thus if I wanted the Menu button to open the Context Menu while in the XBMC GUI then I'd remap Context Menu to "M" in the Global portion of keyboard.xml

But if I then wanted the Menu button to open OSD whilst playing a video I'd have to map "M" to the OSD action in the FullscreenVideo section to override the Global use of "M"

To my mind at least the logic is the Menu button for Context Menu while in GUI and OSD menu when playing video, thus both Menu actions.
(2013-06-13, 10:57)baijuxavior Wrote: This is very interesting

Quote:Uninstall the mce driver (ehome device driver) from device manager.
Do, nothing happened after. After reboot, Windows 7 auto detect and re-install drivers.

Quote:If possible try the remote control on another computer.
Tried and the same thing appear (on Windows 8) :
What is displayed on my screen :
Button 1 : &
Button 2 : é
Button 3 : "
Button 4 : '
Button 5 : (
Button 6 : -
Button 7 : è
Button 8 : _
Button 9 : ç
Button 0 : à

I'm going to be crazy ! Confused
(2013-06-13, 11:30)jjd-uk Wrote: This is great Smile

What would be even more brilliant is if you could do a partner app for producing XBMC keyboard.xml files.

An example of where this would be useful is where you want a key to do different things depending on XBMC context, for example:

Menu button on remote to mapped to "M" using your existing app.

Thus if I wanted the Menu button to open the Context Menu while in the XBMC GUI then I'd remap Context Menu to "M" in the Global portion of keyboard.xml

But if I then wanted the Menu button to open OSD whilst playing a video I'd have to map "M" to the OSD action in the FullscreenVideo section to override the Global use of "M"

To my mind at least the logic is the Menu button for Context Menu while in GUI and OSD menu when playing video, thus both Menu actions.


(2013-06-13, 12:01)Kpitn Wrote:
(2013-06-13, 10:57)baijuxavior Wrote: This is very interesting

Quote:Uninstall the mce driver (ehome device driver) from device manager.
Do, nothing happened after. After reboot, Windows 7 auto detect and re-install drivers.

Quote:If possible try the remote control on another computer.
Tried and the same thing appear (on Windows 8) :
What is displayed on my screen :
Button 1 : &
Button 2 : é
Button 3 : "
Button 4 : '
Button 5 : (
Button 6 : -
Button 7 : è
Button 8 : _
Button 9 : ç
Button 0 : à

I'm going to be crazy ! Confused

I am not sure, but is this problem anyway related to your system language settings?

It could also be due to a failing battery.
Is there a way to enter other keys that are not listed in the pulldown menu? I want to map a remote button to "\" to toggle the window zoom. This isn't in the list of available keys and I can't manually enter it.

Do I have to map to a different key in the list then remap this with an personal keyboard.xml file?

Never mind, I found out it is the same as the "|" character which is in there.

Next question. To get XBMCLauncher to use my Green button you said to make sure it was mapped to Windows + Alt + Enter. Is this "Numpad Enter" or "return" or something else?
Quote:I am not sure, but is this problem anyway related to your system language settings?
This is configured with French language but I don't think there is a link...

Quote:It could also be due to a failing battery.
Nothing change with new battery

(2013-06-18, 08:12)ozgadgetguy Wrote: Next question. To get XBMCLauncher to use my Green button you said to make sure it was mapped to Windows + Alt + Enter. Is this "Numpad Enter" or "return" or something else?

Would it be possible to assign a button to emulate a mouse Roight-Click?

Some of the context menus are only available with a mouse click, which currently involves getting off the sofa :-)
^^ Mouse click is not supported. May be you can use autohotkey or eventghost to capture a button press and convert to mouse click.
Built a HTPC a couple of weeks ago but have been lurking here for while before that.. (always interested in keeping tabs of how things have been progressing since my modded original Xbox)

Just registered to say a huge thanks for putting the time and effort into developing this tool. It's really helped me out.
Hi, I have one problem. When I map one button and i press Apply to registry appears this error :

" Error 07: Was denied access to the Registry Key

That's what I'm doing wrong?.

I have Windows 7 home premium 64bits. In other pc whit the same operating system works fine. I have no idea what can happen.

Can you help me, please ?
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