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Bugs and Suggestions
Need reset skin settings.
Would like to be able when I click on the VIDEO tab all my Home Videos show up instead of always clicking to another subfolder same goes with Pictures Smile
One HTPC Windows 7 pro 64x running WMC with 2 HDhomeRun on Comcast 6 tuners with MCEbuddy
WD MyCloud 24TB over Netgear network | 6500 movies and 40,000+ TV Show episodes
Not sure if it's just me but when I have something set to "Gallery" view, and have it set to show fanart on the tabs after I scroll through once the images(fanart) no longer shows on the carousel unless I go back in reverse.

In other words they show fine, but they do not loop and only show the first time going through the carousel.
Hi there I noticed a bug in bello and would like it to be fixed.

I use Windows 7, Kodi 14.1 and Bello 3.01 Beta.

What I noticed: When you check the movie details you get the US MPAA- Symbol instead of the adult rating information mentioned in the nfo file.
In the example showed here (see screenshot) you have the NR-Rating Symbol but within the nfo file it's mentioned Germany: FSK 18.

It would be lovely to use the correct symbols mentioned for the movienot the US ones (ex. Aeon Nox shows it correct).

Also in my believe it's useless to show the additional line of the mpaa tag then.

I'd like a list option that lets you set your list views and it keeps them all the same. I notice with the add-on Genesis, you have to manually change every single window to make them the same, that's a lot of work. I have no way to make edits to my system as it's an apple tv 1 and having a built in way would be great.
The ListView is the first view by default. I have no idea how and why this addon is behaving. Please keep in mind that the addon that you mention is on the is in the list of Banned add-ons : http://kodi.wiki/view/Official:Forum_rul...ed_add-ons.


I downloaded Helix beta version and having problems with metadata actor. Once you click on cast, down on the actor I get data but no posters.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong

You are not doing anything wrong. Since the actor's image is fetched from the internet you will have to wait a little to be downloaded the first time, except If there is no thumb available on line.


Thanks for the quick response, still no luck

(2015-02-22, 13:28)nessus Wrote: The ListView is the first view by default. I have no idea how and why this addon is behaving. Please keep in mind that the addon that you mention is on the is in the list of Banned add-ons : http://kodi.wiki/view/Official:Forum_rul...ed_add-ons.


I guess my point was the skin having a built in option to change the default view by the check of a button to any of the available views. I love that this skin has a default set, I just wish you could have a simple option to do it for more views.

Trust me part of why I use Bello is the default across add-on view default
Hi nessus,

Talking about list view in the addons.

Would it be possible that the video addons would have its own list view?
I will explain.
For example, Normally I have activated the option to show only the not viewed movies.
There are some addons of streaming channels where in case you play one of the channels, it is considered as "viewed" and dissappears from the list.
So I have to choose "all videos" manually to see the channel again in the list.

In any case thanks for all, this is not an important detail. It is only to know if it would be possible.
Eventually, you are correct. The thumbs are not showing there. I will check it out.

Again, ListView is the default view and the only view that is available in all sections. If you start with a fresh Kodi install and you don't change the view, you will see everything in ListView. If you want to do that without a fresh installation just delete the ViewModes6.db file from userdata>Database folder.

Yes is possible but, since that will remove the UnWatched indicator from all video addons and their contents and for all the users, i wont add it.

(2015-02-24, 13:10)nessus Wrote: @Edworld
Eventually, you are correct. The thumbs are not showing there. I will check it out.


It's been mentioned on aeon nox that maybe the API key expired and it's time to implement extendedinfo (Phil65) to get the actors/directors information. I know that you are already using extendedinfo and this is a good excuse to fully implement it.

Thanks for looking into it
Eventually, it works fine. I think it was a temporary issue from the TMBD site from where the data are fetched.
I know that i can get actors info from Phil's extended info script but i wont add it ATM until i find a way to implement it without all the other stuff that comes along.

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