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XBMC Video Server: stream/download your library contents
Updated: everything works great. Thanks for everything!
can this be installed on freenas as a plugin?
(2013-07-23, 11:44)nelsonamen Wrote: can this be installed on freenas as a plugin?

I don't see why not, although you'd have to set up the jail and install the whole thing yourself.
@caspkb: I've done an initial round of profiling and fixed all the biggest bottlenecks in the code.

The Movie -> Browse page is still quite taxing due to the sheer amount of HTML that has to be generated. Implementing pagination (let's say 50 items per page) would speed things up significantly. Another bottleneck was the API calls which are now cachable. On the movie filter page the process of JavaScript-encoding the movie names for the typeahead filter field still takes some time, I just haven't gotten around to caching that yet.

I've added some runtime caching for retrieving setting values since that can be done even a hundred times per page load and it's unnecessary to load the values directly from the database all the time.

All in all the call stack size has decreased by over 50% since I ran a profiler for the first time, so I believe the whole thing should work way better on slow hardware at the moment even though there are still areas that could be improved.

I've also looked into using a different library for resizing images (in purpose of finding the fastest one) but I'll have to do some speed comparisons first.
Has anyone been able to get this installed on windows?
(2013-07-26, 22:21)hewligun Wrote: Has anyone been able to get this installed on windows?

There's a complete guide in the README. Do you have a specific problem with it?
Couple of updates:
  • Result pages are now paginated which speeds up page rendering quite a lot, especially on large libraries. The full list of movies is still fetched on every page load, otherwise the system wouldn't know how many results there are in total. The majority of the page load time is spent on rendering the HTML though so this still provides quite a speedup, especially when combined with the "cache API calls" option.

  • Some caching fixes, particularly the movie name search field doesn't have to be generated from scratch all the time when "cache API calls" is enabled.

  • The amount of JavaScript included has been reduced to a bare minimum, caching of scripts has been fixed and no scripts are included in the head tag anymore which should speed up initial page rendering.

As usual, grab the latest updates by firing off these commands in your working directory:

git pull
php composer.phar update
./src/protected/yiic migrate --interactive=0

Coming up will be some improvements to the installation steps for Linux (chmoding of files will be done using a single command instead of the current five).

Also, if you find any bugs or have a feature request, please use the Github issues page at https://github.com/Jalle19/xbmc-video-se...state=open!

is it possible to encrypt the connection using ssl? login and streaming?
(2013-07-30, 23:24)tesona1977 Wrote: @negge

is it possible to encrypt the connection using ssl? login and streaming?

Of course, see one of the many guides on how to setup Apache with SSL. The streaming itself will only happen over SSL if a proxy location is configured for the backend since XBMC doesn't support SSL for its web interface AFAICT.
Would be great to see this extended to include a "Music Jukebox".
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
(2013-08-01, 03:28)Livin Wrote: Would be great to see this extended to include a "Music Jukebox".

Like I mentioned earlier, music streaming is a very low priority right now since a) I don't use the music library and b) there are tons of music streaming solutions out there already.
Thanks for putting this together, however, I cannot gain access to my library.

I have successfully completed the install (Windows), though when attempting to view the library, I receive an Error 500 message.

I have enabled Webserver and remote control under 'Services' and set 'Internet Access' settings under 'System' in my instance of XBMC. My Internet access port is the same as that specified in the XBMC video server backend.

What am I missing, or not correctly setting?

What is the exact error message? Could you also pastebin the contents of src/protected/runtime/application.log and paste the link here?
(2013-08-05, 20:30)negge Wrote: What is the exact error message? Could you also pastebin the contents of src/protected/runtime/application.log and paste the link here?
Exact message: Error 500: Unable to connect to XBMC922:58050 . Error #0: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to XBMC922:58050 (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. )

App log: http://pastebin.com/6ub2s74L
It means it can't find the hostname "XBMC922". Try using the IP address of your XBMC box instead.
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