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XBMC Video Server: stream/download your library contents
You need to increase the maximum memory limit for PHP. Find a file named php.ini (it's somewhere in your XAMPP directory) and search for "memory_limit". Increase that value to something larger like 512 MB or 1024 MB, then restart Apache.
@peu7510 if you have a Github account it'd be great if you could report at https://github.com/Jalle19/xbmc-video-server/issues/231 what memory limit you ended up using once you get it to work.
Negge, many many thanks, the server is working perfect and streams in internal and external network!!!!!!!!!

One last thing, my server have a 2000 Movies, and when i log in to the index page and display in gried view or list view, the page when display it takes many minutes to load the page. is possible configure php.ini or other file to load the index page or the rest in less minutes or it depends of version of php because is in 32 bits and is best to load the page in php in 64 bits?

if can not be, thanks for your help!!!!!!!!!!
It takes time to load things when the library is big. If you enable "Cache API call results" in the settings you should see a nice speedup though.

What memory limit did you use?
I used 1024 MB

My server have 8GB RAM
CHANGELOG.md Wrote:#### 1.6.15
* increased memory limit and execution time to avoid timeouts on large libraries combined with slow devices
* updated README screenshots
* hopefully fixed incompatibility with Kodi Isengard backends running on Windows
* honor the request timeout for image retrievals as well
Good morning negge, i am charmed for your server is the best, most thanks for do these server pages!!!!!!!!!!

i would like to help in add improvements, but one question, the recent changelog, yesterday i view the new version of kodi 15 "Isengard", your server is compatible with the new Kodi. I read in the changelog of yesterday repair an incompatibility the backends in kodi isengard, but the rest works well, the play the movies in my internal and external network?

Another i like to help is add in your pages the Spanish Language in all video server, but i don't know who files need to modify and add the spanish language, can you tell me who files look?

And last suggestion, you havent thought change the name of "/xbmc-video-server/" to "/kodi-video-server/". For me it's logical because the new name is kodi and the older is not good have keep the older name

If you need help to change these things or add you have my colaboration, althought i was not good programming, i have plenty of help wanted!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And repeat i am charmed for your work is the best server for kodi i used and you have my help to improve your program!!!!!!!!!!
I'm glad you like it!

peu7510 Wrote:i would like to help in add improvements, but one question, the recent changelog, yesterday i view the new version of kodi 15 "Isengard", your server is compatible with the new Kodi. I read in the changelog of yesterday repair an incompatibility the backends in kodi isengard, but the rest works well, the play the movies in my internal and external network?

I was experiencing a strange issue when running XBMC Video Server on Linux while connected to a Kodi backend running on Windows. It seems not that many have had the same issue but either way it should be fixed now. I doubt you're affected, you would have noticed otherwise.

peu7510 Wrote:Another i like to help is add in your pages the Spanish Language in all video server, but i don't know who files need to modify and add the spanish language, can you tell me who files look?

See here for instructions on how to add a new language: https://github.com/Jalle19/xbmc-video-se...anslations

peu7510 Wrote:And last suggestion, you havent thought change the name of "/xbmc-video-server/" to "/kodi-video-server/". For me it's logical because the new name is kodi and the older is not good have keep the older name

I have thought about it but so far I haven't bothered changing the name. If you want to you can rename the "xbmc-video-server" directory yourself, then go to the application settings and change the title too.
Is it possible to run this on a rasperry pi 2 ?
Sorry if my English is not quite right, it 's not my native language
Got latest OSMC running on Vero 4K+
Yes, just follow the Linux installation instructions. Performance may not be stellar but it definitely works.
Hey I'm new to Kodi, I was able to install it and set up xampp to work for streaming but when I fill out the create new backend page, I'm running into an error that says the server does not ask for authentication or if i change whats there sometimes it will say unable to connect to hostname:8080, make sure XBMC is running and has its web server enabled. My hostname and IP address are definately correct. I have also tried to use the IP address. Is there a setting in Kodi that is not set up at the moment I have everything in webserver enabled. Please help me figure this out.

Update: THe source address is, but my host address is, could this be an issue that may be causing this?
The backend address should be the address of the machine running Kodi, and you must set a username and password for the web interface in Kodi's settings.
hello, i 've tried to install xbmc-video-server on a raspbian (wheezy) where my kodi 14.2 is installed.

I followed the Debian Wheezy steps from git :
Quote:sudo su
apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5-gd php5-cli php5-sqlite php5-json php5-gd git curl
a2enmod rewrite expires
service apache2 restart
cd /var/www
git clone git://github.com/Jalle19/xbmc-video-server.git
cd xbmc-video-server
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install
php ./src/protected/yiic.php createinitialdatabase
php ./src/protected/yiic.php setpermissions

After running the commands above you'll have to add a few lines to Apache's default site configuration to allow .htaccess files to be used. Open the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/default and add the following right before the last line (</VirtualHost>):

<Directory /var/www/xbmc-video-server/>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Finally, after saving the file you must restart Apache using service apache2 restart for the changes to take effect.

All steps are OK without errors.
I have a xbmc-video-server login page on my localhost.
I try the admin/admin and after that i'm stuck on a blank page with this route : http://localhost/xbmc-video-server/src/backend/create
If i try another user/passwd, i have an error message (so i suppose the sqlite db is allright).

I tried with the zip package from git instead of the git clone command, but i'm stuck with the same blank page in src/backend/create.

Any ideas guys ?
I may have accidentally broken something during the last few weeks. Can you pastebin the contents of the "src/protected/runtime/application.log" file?
Thanks for your quick reply negge,

here is the log : http://pastebin.com/31AUm5A8

tables from src/protected/data/xbmc-video-server.db : 'backend' and 'display_mode', are empty
and this is the other tables : http://pastebin.com/SgApWPAf
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