Add/Remove/Select/Exclude media source
Hi, I have just installed XBMC 12 on my raspberry pi an set some addons I want.
I have an external usb disk attached. On it I have my backup folder (with a lot of media files: videos and pictures) and a Video folder.
I want to force XBMC to only look in the Video folder searching for video/media files.
Now I see the notification on the top of the screen that xbmc is trying to search with the "Video scraper" to find some info related to my "holidays video".
How can I forbid it and force to use only "Video" folder as source?

I found that I can set the content type=none for each target I want to exclude.
But in the "Pictures" section, how can I restrict the search only in one folder (not an entire drive)?
@mcgyver83: using the confluence skin, i can select "videos - files" then select "Add videos" and within the popup i would browse to the directory i want xbmc to add as a video source. I would then select the directory i am interested in adding and press OK. I would then get another popup where i can define what is contained within this new source i am adding which in effect defines the source contents and the scraper to be used. When i add feature films for the first time, XBMC creates a new "Movies" menu which contains my feature films with all the scraped metadata. Likewise when i add tv series for the first time, XBMC creates a new "TV Shows" menu with all the scraped metadata.

Obviously this implies it's best to separate the individual source types into their own directories!

In my case, i have feature films in one directory, series in another directory and my home movies in another yet to be created directory. That way i add and define each source type which is related to a specific directory. Even though all my directories sit under one overriding "movies" directory, i would not add this "movies" directory as a source since it contains multiple video types which would confuse any one scraper that is defined for a specific source type. In such cases, it's better to select the underlying directories which each contain only one source type Smile

As such, if you have a separate directory structure, you can add your directory containing your home movies in the same way as you do with other directories containing for example feature films. In this case you would specify the home movies directory contains "none" which results in no scraper being defined before clicking OK. If i understand it correctly this will stop a scraper from looking for poster and fan art on the www. On the previous mentioned popup where you define "none" for the type of media within your directory, you also have the option of selecting the radio button for "exclude path from library updates" which means it will not scan this source for new files you may have subsequently added.

It could be that when you add your source, even though you did not define a scraper to scour the web for poster and fanart, XBMC will still scrape the directory to populate it's database with the file names of your home movies which may be what you are seeing (or you have not separated the different type of videos into their own directory structure and added them appropriately).

What seems to be a great benefit with XBMC is that you can define a plot, date and other metadata of your home video to be associated with your own home movie by writing your own .nfo files while also adding your own home pictures as poster and fan art to be associated with such home videos. This would add a bit more bling to the interface when you browse your home video library via XBMC. But what i don't know what happens is whether XBMC actually creates a new "Home Video's menu utilizing all your metadata that you have defined via .nfo files and the associated home picture jpeg files.

I'm not 100% sure of all of this is correct as i am new to XBMC but others may be able to further clarify.
You need to only add the folders you want to scan into the sources list.
@Kibje: your comment confuses me a little as you can not watch any video file within xbmc unless you add the directory it lives in as a source. This means all directories containing video files you want to watch must be added as a source..

Presumably mcgyver83 will at some stage find it useful/desirable to watch his home videos on the big screen using xbmc at which point he needs to know how to stop/inhibit scraping of such sources..

Or have i misunderstood the xbmc definition of source?
If i read the original question correctly, mcgyver83 added the root of his USB disk as source, where he should just have added the Videos subfolder.

Maybe I am thinking too simple, but it seems you are overcomplicating things.

If you want to be able to play something from the video men; simply add it as a video source and do not set the type of content or the scraper. It will not be scraped.

If you want to scrape TV-Shows or Movies into your library (the recommended way), add the location on disk as a video source and set the content of the source to either Movies or TV-Shows and choose an appropiate scraper, this will scrape it.
I have my external usb hdd mounted by fstab. I did not add it as source but I want to add only the "movie" subfolder.
When I go to the "Video" menu I have e vertical list with:
BackupData (a partition of my usb hdd);
Backup Os (a partition of my usb hdd);
Film (a folder of my usb hdd);
Mother films (a folder of my usb hdd);
ScreenPlayHD (my usb hdd);

I want to add to my library only the media files in the Film and Mother films folder and exclude every other folders of the hdd.
If I choose for the entry I want to exlude the "settings", "content type = none" and exclude folder it should work as I want?
@Kibje: i'm not purposely trying to over complicate things but it may be just my lack of detailed knowledge of xbmc terminology and best case usage methods :S

But i think we both agree that if one wants to play their movie files using the "Movie" and "TV Show" menu while showing all metadata including fan art, then just add the directory (which should contain one type of source) to xbmc as a "video source" and then specify the content or "source" type (which selects the appropriate default scraper). Repeat and rinse for other "source" types like tv shows or music videos...

@mcgyver83: not sure how you have structured your fstab commands but if "Film" contains only movie files then add the Film directory as a "movie source" and if "Mother films" contains your home movies, then add "Mother film" directory as a a source containing "none". I'm not sure what ScreenPlayHD" contains as it almost seems like a circular reference back to your USB HDD and if this is the case i wouldn't add this as a source at all... If "Film" contains a mix of movies and tv series and music videos, i would not add it as a source as is but instead i would create three sub directories within "Film" and move the appropriate files into the appropriate sub directories before adding these sub directories as sources to xbmc...

As i said in my earlier post, to make best use of xbmc, you need to have a good directory naming convention and be consistent with where you place the different types of video files which must themselves be named according to a good convention. It may be worth hunting through the wiki for these subjects and read them.
Adding_videos_to_the_library (wiki)
Film contains my film;
Mother films contains my mother's films;
my private home video are in ScreenPlayHD/backup;
ScreenPlayHD is the root of my external usb HDD.

Now I set "Content = none" for all the automounted partitions (like screenplayhd and others hdd partitions) and add manually "Films" and "Mothers Films" as source with "Content = film".
The first time the scraper run with "en" language and now I have to select "reload infos" for each video. Now I set "it" in the scraper, how can I refresh all the videos infos?
Scan for new content in file mode.

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Add/Remove/Select/Exclude media source0