Stuck on Touched Skin
I accidentally installed this skin on my apple tv 2 and now can't navigate over to the appearance section to switch my skin to another one. Can anyone suggest how this can be done. That would be great.


Delete the skin's folder (skin.touched or, perhaps?) in your .xbmc/addons directory (not sure of the exact location for ATV2) and when you restart XBMC, it'll revert the the default skin. You also need to go through the GUI and, under Appearance, change the skin selection (which may still show name of the skin you'd just deleted) to either the default one or another one that you prefer.
Will give it a try and let you know... forgot about going threw the device like that, as for the GUI I can't get into the setting with my remote... thats the whole problem


Once you delete the skin's folder and restart XBMC, you will be able to access the GUI to perform the second part.
(2013-07-20, 03:11)artrafael Wrote: Once you delete the skin's folder and restart XBMC, you will be able to access the GUI to perform the second part.

Thanks Artafael all Good...I really appreciate it.

I am having the same problem. I have looked all throughout my apple tv root file systems using Cyberduck on my Mac. I have only been able to locate the skin file for Confluence and none of the other skins that are on the system. Can anyone guide me on what to do? Am I missing something?
I am also experiencing the same problem after installing Touched skin on OUYA. How do I remove the skin on OUYA console
(2014-01-24, 02:05)johnkak Wrote: I am also experiencing the same problem after installing Touched skin on OUYA. How do I remove the skin on OUYA console

Plug in a USB mouse in the OUYA and you should have full access again

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