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Not sure if this is the right place...

But trying to find "GSOC" in the WIKI, I had to use the search to find GSOC-info. I expected GSOC under development (like in the forum) but it isn't there.

Nice work on the WIKI btw last 2 years!!

Another thing I noticed: Developers in Navigation menu instead of Development
For the time being I've mostly focused my efforts on the end-user portions of the wiki, but eventually the development areas will be nicely laid out and navigable as well. Any tree-type layout advice/proposals would be welcome. Eventually I plan to bug devs, both in team and in the community, to get their advice too, since I'm not a dev myself.

The big thing is being satisfied with various navigation layouts and then documenting how to format that on other pages, so more people can help out. Right now we have these kind of index/landing pages, along with a breadcrumb navigation, but I'm looking for some more elements too. Something to better group a series of topics, as well as to list related topics.

I've come to like what the Arch Linux Wiki does for these things:

Something like that might work.
Yes, i think your continuous work on the wiki will even have better results in the future. I just stated 2 obvious and quick "fixes" for current structure.

Another thing I noticed is that i.e. AS.XML is not connected to settings. I think those adv. Settings should have some sort of tags so they can be "attached" to other sections of the wiki. But this is the same as what you say about grouping and related stuff.

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