WIP [windows] Enable shader based HQ scalers for DXVA renderer
Call for testers for
"[windows] Enable shader based HQ scalers for DXVA renderer"

This includes
https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/838 by a11599
Do NOT post issues in the github PR. INstead provide all information in this thread.

This is based upon Gotham13.0 alpha7 (no 12.2 builds will be provided!) and you should know before installing this alpha build that this is not a stable release and is not recommended for daily use.
Be sure to always backup your userdata (wiki).

To get this included into Gotham13.0 we need some testers who can give this a try on their various systems.

When testing, please check:
render method set to PS/DXVA
scaling methods DXVA/Bicubic/Lanczos3/Spline36 and their "optimized" versions.

Things to look for:
does it play back fluently with the non-DXVA scalers (stuttering)? If it stutters, does it do it with DXVA scaler too?

When reporting issues, please add your OS version, GPU model and driver version too.

For debuglogs, media info and so on you should use http://pastebin.com or http://xbmclogs.com
Never post snippets. Start XBMC fresh and start playing the movies.
Also copy the .pdb file to your XBMC install folder and rename it too "XBMC.pdb". We will need this in case of crashes.


Just install a nightly version

WiSo: renamed XBMC.exe to XBMC.pdb
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Intel® Core™ i7 CPU 870 @ 2.93GHz
Desktop Resolution: 1280x1024 32Bit at 60Hz
nVidia Geforce GTX275 driver 311.06

Intel® Core™ i3-2100 @ 2.93GHz
Desktop Resolution: 1440x900 32Bit at 60Hz
MoBo Intel DH67BL (using onboard GPU)

Dell Inspiron Duo 10"
Intel Atom
GMA 3150 (and CrystalHD)

No issues found trying different settings and video files
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Thanks for getting the ball rolling with this Martijn. I have two Nvidia machines (one is an ION netbook) that I will test this with. Kind of busy but will post my results in the next day or so.
playing it on my Dell Inspiron Duo 10" Intel Atom with GMA 3150 (and CrystalHD) seems to work well.
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I've been using this patch for a few months now (based on the 12.2 build) with no issues using an AMD 5450 card and AMD BE-2300 cpu. Hope to see it merged into main soon. Smile

Eh, I wanted to use this but alpha 7 still has the screensaver bug which causes XBMC to crash if it's minimized and the internal screensaver kicks on. This bug has been in there for a couple months now.

Just tried your release of alpha 7 on my desktop, but it has some weird bug where it plays videos at 2x speed with no audio (connected via HDMI to an AVR), so had to revert to a11599's alpha 4 release. Using that one, I have seen no problems with the various combinations.

Intel Core i5-2500k CPU OC'd to 4.5GHz
Desktop Resolution: 1920x1080 32Bit at 60Hz
nVidia Geforce GTX460 driver 326.41 beta
Windows 8.1 Preview 64-bit

Will load the alpha 7 on my ION netbook toady and try it out soon.
Please verify if it isn't a general alpha7 issue (by installing the regular nightly version)

Could you also try:
add "AE_ENGINE = ACTIVE" to your Windows environment variables
Environment name: AE_ENGINE
Environment value: ACTIVE
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Ok, added that variable and tried the latest nightly labeled "master" and in both cases it still exhibited that issue, so I guess it is not due to this patch.

In the meantime, tested it on my ION machine and all is well.

Atom N270 1.6 GHz
Desktop Resolution: fine at both 1366x768 and 1920x1080 via HDMI, both 32Bit at 60Hz
NVidia ION driver 326.41 beta
Windows 8.1 Preview 32-bit
Update on my Core i5 machine. I discovered that an audio setting was incorrect after installing your alpha 7 version. I tested everything after fixing that and all is well on that machine now.
Updated the download with a newer version including several fixes from xbmc main code branch
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(2013-08-14, 12:36)StinDaWg Wrote:
(2013-08-13, 20:49)rainking430 Wrote: @StinDaWg: That's not a common use scenario for me, so tested that on both machines with the latest update Martijn just posted. Worked fine for me. Just to clarify, both are set to dim for the built-in screensaver. Same for you?
Dim works fine, it's when it's set to artwork for the screensaver it crashes. Give it a try please.

totally unrelated to this build!!!!
keep on topic. i will just delete any off topic reports
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Will do. Been using latest build on both machines, Martijn. Everything seems to be performing fine.
Tried this build. Works great except black screen on Hi10P files if DXVA renderer is selected. If select auto detect the DXVA deinterlacing won't be available.
Thanks for the feedbacks so far. (Hi10P black screen is not related to the patch.)
Updated the download with a newer version including several fixes from xbmc main code branch.
See first post with download link
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[windows] Enable shader based HQ scalers for DXVA renderer0
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