Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Android Mele A1000G Quad release new firmware support XBMC
I heard Mele already release new firmwar support XBMC.
Here is the link from their forum:

They said:
Except that we improved the performance and stability of the firmware, we also developed new features:
1. Pre-install the APK named Game Store which introduces end users to download the popular android games which are compatible with MeLE android boxes and Air mouse.

2. Pre-install the APK named TV which is a media center that can switch to XMBC.

3. Support hardware decode of Blu-ray ISO and with simple navigation when using XMBC, which other android boxes cannot.

4. Support decode and playback for 4K video and 1080P video over 60Mbps.

5. Support two launchers for end users to choose MeLE or Generic. Check this topic that shows you how to switch viewtopic.php?f=5&t=41

Does any one succeed upgrade?
Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

It seems powerful, is it true?

I would like to buy some to have a try in US market.

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