Solved build dependencies error
(2014-07-29, 22:00)rivo Wrote: THANKS Memphiz, problem solved.

Indeed the latest SDK (r.23.02) caused the error.
I've tried with SDK r.22 and works fine.

Thanks again.


Did you go to SDK 22.0.0, or another minor version?
I was facing the same problem. Using SDK r22 (NOT r22.0.1) solved my problem.
Or just use latest sdk and create softlinks, until the am PR is merged.
There's an older thread somewhere with details.
(2014-07-29, 22:00)rivo Wrote: Indeed the latest SDK (r.23.02) caused the error.
I've tried with SDK r.22 and works fine.

Are you talking about the 'Android SDK tools' or 'Android SDK Build-tools' version?

I'm having the same error but don't see the versions you're mentioning.


I also tried to create a symbolic link to zipalign thinking that might work but no change.

# ~/android-sdks/tools$ ln -s ../build-tools/21.1.1/zipalign zipalign
>> zipalign -> ../build-tools/21.1.1/zipalign

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