Android Customized XBMC Build

I recently posted a thread regarding issues with the build of xbmc for android. And with all the help I was able to get my initial build. I now have a couple of more questions that I wanted to ask.

My main reason to build for android was that my client wanted to give this version of xbmc to a small group of people who would be using our plugin. I have developed the plugin and and it is working fine. Now the client was to customize xbmc a bit. Following are the features required:

> We want to add our plugin directly in to the build, so that when we give "our" version of xbmc to the users and he installs it, our plugin should be automatically installed. And he does not have to install it separately.

> The client also wants "Ace" to be the default skin. By which he means that similar to previous point, when a user installs the xbmc, ace skin should be installed with it (users can obviously change it later on).

I tried searching about this on this forum and also tried googling it but was unable to find something substantial. Is it possible? or is it so simple that people need not inquire about it?

Any help here or link to any resource would be helpful. Thanks.
have u managed it yet?
And of course you have asked MarcosQui if this is OK with him, and you have source code available as per the GPL ??
Without any significant help available we abandoned this approach. We wanted to save time of users to install xbmc -> plugin -> skin. But seeing no option users are going through the whole process.

As the functionality that we are trying to achieve is limited to streaming a set of videos on android devices, we are currently thinking of developing a separate app for android to do so, as I think it would be quicker than tweeking xbmc's code.
shipping add-ons is as simple as just putting the addon in and build it
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I knew it.

I knew it would be simpler and I was looking at wrong places. @Martijn where were you when I needed youHuh
Well I can re-build xbmc now, so thanks a lot. And this might help others looking for a similar issue.

Do not forget to place this
inside each skin you include as it will build the Textures.xbt file (no issue if you don't though).

and set the skin ID here to make it default
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Hi I am trying to do the same for my build of Frodo

Where should I place what is in my custom configuration userdata folder?

Should advancedsettings.xml and guisettings.xml be merged into those located in /tools/android/packaging/config/ ?

Where should the custom MyVideos db, sources and profiles info go? in the /userdata folder just like the addons go to the /addons folder?

At what steps of the compile should I start again once I make changes such as those I listed? Only the final "make" and "make apk" in the xbmc project folder?

Thanks for any pointers! I'll keep trying different stuff and report back

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