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Support Thread for MediaCodec
It will likely be until next major android version when ART becomes default.

It is lightning fast on nexus 5 though. Saves loads of battery as well.
I've tested http://mirrors.xbmc.org/test-builds/andr...bi-v7a.apk
with my LG G2 (same snapdragon 800 as Nexus 5) and both live tv and video playback (SD and HD) work perfectly with only Mediacodec enabled.
Registered only to say that
(2014-04-18, 08:18)sdfg Wrote: @Koying
I've tested http://mirrors.xbmc.org/test-builds/andr...bi-v7a.apk
with my LG G2 (same snapdragon 800 as Nexus 5) and both live tv and video playback (SD and HD) work perfectly with only Mediacodec enabled.
Registered only to say that

Is this version is only Android 4.4 compatible ? Cause i.have downloaded it and I cant install on my mk808b 4.2.2
(2014-04-18, 08:18)sdfg Wrote: @Koying
I've tested http://mirrors.xbmc.org/test-builds/andr...bi-v7a.apk
with my LG G2 (same snapdragon 800 as Nexus 5) and both live tv and video playback (SD and HD) work perfectly with only Mediacodec enabled.
Registered only to say that

Is this version is only Android 4.4 compatible ? Cause i.have downloaded it and I cant install on my mk808b 4.2.2
No its not the only version of XBMC that runs on KK 4.4.2. Gotham Beta 1,2,3 and Nightly Beta 4 all run and work on Android OS KK 4.4.2
@Kib Here is a test build for the ART issue: http://mirrors.xbmc.org/test-builds/andr...bi-v7a.apk
Koying, that test build fixed all the issues - playback is near perfect on my collection of test files with different formats and subtitles etc
Test results are here, rightmost column.

New logcat is here: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=SA7wywif
First playback of a file went good. Matrix test sample with AAC crashes the codec.
now xbmc works much better then previous builds, no more stutter or artifacts. thx Koying live stream now fixed, but on live tv if channel don't have stream it crashes, but 1080P dont work normal, still low fps.
@Kib http://mirrors.xbmc.org/test-builds/andr...bi-v7a.apk
This should fix the crash (but won't help in actually playing the file)
@Koying no, still crashes xbmc after about 10 seconds of playback on matrix aac file. Do you want another logcat?
Yep, a logcat would be nice, it could be something further.
Done, http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=zyeuF3EH
Thanks. That's indeed something different, and inside ART. Might be an actual ART bug, this one...
(2014-04-19, 13:14)Koying Wrote: @Kib http://mirrors.xbmc.org/test-builds/andr...bi-v7a.apk
This should fix the crash (but won't help in actually playing the file)

hi koying , i've tried to install this version on my android stick mk808b 4.2 but without success Sad
error message : application not installed
how can i do ?
Uninstall xbmc first, provide a logcat otherwise
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Support Thread for MediaCodec5
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